Some time ago, while at the office, I heard a couple of dogs making quite a din outside my office. My curious colleagues and I peeped out the window and saw this:
A male and female dog mating with each other actually got stuck! And the female was so obviously in pain and making a din. Sometimes she could stand up, but other times she was lying on the floor looking absolutely miserable, all the time stuck to her male mate... She was trying to 'detach' herself from the male for at least 15 minutes, after which they ran off somewhere and I'm not sure what happened after that. The whole time, the male dog was looking pretty relaxed...
This is a time when you can safely say, what a poor f***ing bitch!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Poor bitch
A red rambling from Carol made at 12:21 AM 3 red comments
Red Labels: fun photos, interesting stuff
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Makan-makan at Moe de Cafe
Gosh, I'm posting so much about food, this could almost be a food blog. And I wonder why I'm putting on weight. Duh.
So in my last post I wanted to talk about my visit to Moe De Cafe at Sunway Giza with some buddies. And I also mentioned that this cafe is having a Month of Maids theme where all the waitresses wear maid costumes. Well, I kidded you not, here's the pic to prove it!They come in cute fluffy slippers too! The girl in pink was our waitress, and she wasn't too happy about me taking a pic of her (I guess they must get a lot of people taking pics of them. Heh!). But she was still nice about it.
The cafe sells quite a lot of food, both local and western, at pretty reasonable prices. I ordered a bowl of ramen noodles with seafood, which came at RM12.90 for a big bowl, and it tasted pretty good. Came with some nice big juicy prawns, a mussel, and some squid.
Damien, ie. the Damester, ordered a plate of cheese baked rice with beef, which was also pretty good, and looks like so.Sonia and Meag Yean order cheese baked rice with chicken wings, which looks like the above except there are chicken wings and not beef. Go figure. The one with beef cost RM13.90, while the one with chicken was only RM12.90. Not too bad for cheese baked rice. Another buddy, Chee Yim, ordered a bento box. Which looked like this.
I'm not a big fan of bento boxes, but this looked pretty ok. I didn't manage to get her opinion of it though. I also ordered some fried soft-shelled crabs as a snack. These cost RM10.90 and tasted quite yummy.
Drinks were pretty good as well. The cafe is having a promotion where all drinks are 50% off for the whole month, so a drink like the following red bean yam drink which usually costs RM6 (or something like that) came at half price).
I ordered a cool looking blue ocean, which comes with vanilla ice cream.The Damester ordered something else at first, but was told it wasn't available so he ordered the same thing as me. Then the naughty guy started playing with his food.
We both liked our blue ocean!
Oh yeah, they had a cute ash tray in the shape of a robot kitty cat. That was cute too. :)
So I have no gripes about the food or service, however, some things I and my buddies didn't like was that the menu font was red against a black background, and the lighting at the place was dim, which made the menu so difficult to read. At least it had pictures. Another gripe is that most of the drinks listed in the menu were not available at least 3 or 4 pages worth of drinks! Like WAT duh.... And apparently certain drinks become unavailable after 9pm . According to the waitress this is because the drinks run out at the time, but we suspect it's more likely coz' they want to sell beer after 9pm.
Another weird thing is that the first table we sat at, the seats were too low and too cushy that we sank into the seats, and we knew this would be it too uncomfortable to eat. So we moved to another table with hard chairs, and this was fine. They seriously need to look into changing those green seats.
But otherwise, I thought the place was ok. Maybe the food was not spectacular, but good enough for the price. Hope I get more chances to try the other restaurants at Sunway Giza... all in due time, com-padres !
Makan-makan at Moe de Cafe
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:50 PM 0 red comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A day at Sunway Giza
Actually the post title should be ANOTHER day at Sunway Giza (located at Kota Damansara), coz' last week I went there with some friends, Sonia and Meng Yean. Just that I was so amazed at how different this shopping complex was compared to the many other shopping complexes I've been to, that I couldn't get enough of it the first time round. So yesterday I kinda dragged a few more buddies with me to Sunway Giza again, for a better hang out time.
The design of this place is fascinating! Like most shopping places have shops on different floors that are connected, but at Sunway Giza, the shops on the higher floors are not connected.... but you have to go up to each shop with separate stairways (some have lifts). That sounds kinda weird, I know, but there aren't as many shops here as there is at a normal shopping complex, and most of the shops here are totally new and different from normal places. There are quite a number of interesting restaurants, a few bars, a KTV I've seen elsewhere, and shops with various knick knacks. It's :)
Here are a couple of panoramas of the place I took from different positions of the atrium, so you can see how it looks like overall (just click on the pics for a larger size).
A view of some of the bars and pubs in the shopping complex itself, including The Beer Factory, Bistro Bola (for footie fans?) and Movida. Movida apparently has a different naughty theme each day of the week, judging from the buntings!
Here's a view of Teo Heng KTV, which I've never seen anywhere else. Being a karaoke junkie, I'll make sure to visit this place one day when I'm up for killing people softly with some songs.The place right under Teo Heng is Moe De Cafe, which is a cool looking cafe with reasonably priced food, and apparently they have a different theme each month coz' they had a big banner outside saying 'Month of Maids', and all the waitresses were wearing maid uniforms. Ain't that cute.
I was so intrigued by the concept, I also coerced my friends into having dinner there. Results of which I will save for next post. :)
Some other fancy smancy restaurants worth mentioning is 'Full House', which is apparently deemed a lifestyle store and cafe. I'm not too sure why, but the decor of the place looked like a garden party kind of thing, the menu not only included list of food, but also something other stuff apparently for sale. Sonia mentioned that she heard the food there is good but prices are high for small portions. I haven't tried that place yet so I have no comment. But it's looks like a fancy enough place for cool people to hang out at. :D
Another interesting looking restaurant was Uncle Prawn. I'm not quite sure what's the specialty here, but it's definitely a Chinese restaurant. And they have a dish called 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'. So it's gotta be interesting. :)There are many more interesting and new shops at Sunway Giza... this is kinda just the tip of the iceberg. Another cool thing is that the entrances for the whole place are wide open, meaning it's not totally air-conditioned inside. But the place is kept cool by giant-sized fan on the high ceiling. As shown below with my buddy Damien in the pic. That bugger is 3 storeys high, by the way (the fan, not Damien).
All in all, Sunway Giza is a pretty different place to hang out compared to other shopping complexes. Not very good for shopping per se, but nice if you like to try new things and hang out at nice bars with your friends over a drink. :)
A day at Sunway Giza
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:01 PM 0 red comments
Red Labels: hangouts
Pizza that looks like ice cream???
That's pretty much how I would describe Cone Pizza, which is being sold at this cozy little shop of the same name which I went to visit at Kota Damansara. Basically, as the name suggests, the main food served are pizzas, but not traditional flat and round pizzas, but pizzas in the shape of a cone! The crust is hard, and the cone is filled with the pizza toppings. So it's tastes pretty much like a normal pizza, but you eat it like an ice cream. Nifty concept, eh?
So the one I tried was the Hot & Spicy Chicken pizza, which on the website looks like this:
But in real life, it comes out looking like this:The top layer is cheese, and the juicy fillings are all underneath, as shown below once the cheezy top layer went into my tummy.
As small as it looks, one cone pizza is actually quite filling. So if you have a couple of friends along, like I did, all you need is to order one cone, and maybe share a pasta if you have a big-ish appetite, plus a drink, and you're good to go. My two buddies and I order a couple more plates of pasta (one was kid's size). The pasta was not particularly special, although pretty good as well. Unfortunately I didn't bother to take photos coz' I was too amused with the cone pizza. One of these babies cost about RM9 to RM11, depending on what you order. Pasta also costs just a little more, again depending on what you order, so the prices are pretty reasonable. All in all, between the 3 of us, we paid about RM17 each for two cone pizzas, one regular pasta, one kid's size pasta, 3 drinks and a bowl of mushroom soup.
Check out the website for more yummy offerings. Definitely an interesting new thing to try. ;)
Pizza that looks like ice cream???
A red rambling from Carol made at 2:42 AM 0 red comments
Red Labels: food
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A day of persistently unflushable poop
Warning, I'm about to talk about my poop. Yes, poop. It's gross stuff I tell you. So if you don't wanna know, don't read on. I'll spare you the poop pictures though. :)
My clothes have been starting to feel a bit tighter recently, which is rather annoying considering I do try to control my food and go to the gym regularly. I have a sneaky suspicion that the difficulty in getting the weight back in check is coz' of accumulated junk in my body and not undergoing any detox program, like, ever. Ok, so I went on a 3-day pure juice fast sometime last year, and that kinda helped, until my mum bugged me to start eating normal again. Which is a shame coz' I was totally on a role drinking nothing but juice for 3 days (and I didn't feel hungry!), but after the 3rd day I admit, I was having difficulty lifting weights at the gym.
So after about a year, I thought it time to start get that accumulated gunk out of my body again, perhaps in a less drastic manner. And just so happened I was chatting with my buddy Damien from church, who sells these Unicity health products (yes, you can call him up anytime. He does it full time now and sure would like to have more contacts). I've tried some of the detoxifying products from Unicity before, so I decided to give it another shot. The one's I tried before were Unicity's Nature's Tea, which has a type of tea which is supposed to "aid the body's natural ability to cleanse itself of toxins, combining efficient cleansing action as part of a weight management program", and also Paraway Plus, which are capsules and they apparently help dislodge parasites in your intestines, so they come out in the poop. The one I did not try before is Lifibre, a container of powder for mixing with water or juice or any drink, and the fibre helps to clean out your intestines of gunk. All in all, it's supposed to an effective combination for cleaning out bodily toxins.
The program is such that I take LiFibre and water plus 2 capsules of Paraway Plus in the morning (5 capsules after 10 days), and Nature's Tea seeped in hot water in the evening. So I started taking the stuff yesterday, and today my bowels were starting to move nicely. Although I also had one of those 3-in-1 coffee mixes at my office, which usually also really gets my bowels going, so I'm not sure if the effect was from the coffee or this stuff.
I do know that Damien did warn me not to seep the tea too long in the water, else it would be too strong and I would start pooping more than intended. But I had taken the stuff before and didn't have such an effect on me (perhaps my intestinal gunk is too impervious to the effects of the tea), so I didn't bother. I just seep the tea as long as I can.
So today in the office, I actually did have to use the loo a couple of times. And while it was not runny, my excretions were.... more than usual. And it was then that I realized that my office's toilet flush was really sucky.
I flushed once. Some of the poop went down but not all.
I waited a while for the toilet to refill. And while doing so I was contemplating taking a picture of my poop and posting it on Rate My Poo. Fortunately my better judgement was still in place. So I flushed again.
Some poop was STILL floating around.
So I had to wait for the thing to refill again. This time I looked at my poop a little closely, wondering if I could see any parasites wringling around on my poop, hanging on for dear life in the toilet bowl water.
Didn't see anything wriggling. Which I guess is a good thing.
Then I flushed again. And STILL there was a couple of floaters.
So while waiting for the next refill, I ran over to the next toilet and brought over a little pail to fill with water. Upon next flush, I poured the pailful of water in there to make sure everything went down. And this time it did.
This detox program is supposed to last me one month, where I take the same stuff everyday for the next 30 days. How fun is that.
Lesson of the Day: If you're going to start a detox program, make sure you have a toilet nearby with a very good flush.
A day of persistently unflushable poop
A red rambling from Carol made at 1:08 AM 0 red comments
Red Labels: product reviews, silly stuff
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ninjas need burgers too, HAI!
I've just been out and about reading other people's blogs. And reading other people's blogs have inspired me to get out these lazy fingers and start blogging again. Let's see how long this holds up, people.
Some time ago I popped by Tropicana Mall at Damansara for a dog carnival. My folks brought my pampered mutt of a shih tzu there, where she proceeded to bark at every dog that came within one meter of her. Friendly dog she is. Anyway, I'll save the pooch pics for later. I wanna ramble about a cute little food joint I visited there called Ninja Joe.As the name does not imply, Ninja Joe sells Western food. Very limited choices of western food. Specifically pork burgers (they don't call them ham burgers here in Malaysia although technically it's the same thing ...actually it's the first time I've seen any burgers with any pork/ham in Malaysia! There's a reason for that which doesn't take much to figure out). They also sell french fries, lemonade or green tea, as well as 'shurikens' (pork fried with potatoes). And the number of pork burgers you get depends on the number of ninjas you bring along. If you are solo ninja, you buy one burger. If you are two ninjas, you get two burgers. If you are big boss, you get big burger. Observe the menu as follows.
There is also a nice ninja lady serving at the counter. Well, just a lady in a kimodo. That doesn't really count as a ninja, but at least it's Japanese-y.
Not sure what was up with the transformers pic on the wall though.
Maybe ninjas learned how to transform! :D
And here was what I ordered. A humble pork burger, lemonade and french fries.If you're thinking that burger looks kinda small, you are CORRECT. It was dang small for RM5.50. Although I would say the pork patty was nice. But not nice enough for RM5.50. The french fries did not taste particularly special, like something you can buy at the supermarket and fry yourself at home. And the lemonade, well it was different from what other fast food joints had to offer, so that's ok.
So all in all, the food was not that great although the concept is interesting. Like what do ninjas have to do with burgers and fries? Why, absolutely nothing! That's why it's COOL.
My friend Walter was also ranting about Ninja Joe on his Gmail Buzz, so here was our buzzy conversation:
Walter - Complaining
I have a complain to make. There was this really horrible place I went last week (or so) and I was suppose to give it a review.
Carol - I just went to Ninja Joe last Sunday at Tropicana Mall. Burger is small and pretty pricey, just the meat is nice, that's about it.
Walter - Hey! I have exactly the same thoughts!!
But worse. The kitchen is extremely disgusting and the person serving seems to have some sort of horrible mood yesterday
Carol - I didn't see the kitchen. How did you manage to see the kitchen?
I haven't tried to shurikens though. Are they any good?
Carol - the fries were normal lah. I wouldn't say yuck.
Walter - well it was yuck for me. It was dry.
Carol -
wouldn't mind trying the shurikens next time.
Therefore it has been doubly confirmed that the food is not that great. But I have no comment on the shurikens coz' I haven't tried them.
You have been warned, ninja-san!
Ninjas need burgers too, HAI!
A red rambling from Carol made at 2:35 AM 0 red comments
Red Labels: food
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The WTF car
I have not posted anything for 3 months. That is bad bad bad. Been busy with work and not really motivated to blog. That's kinda bad for a person who wanted to become a professional blogger. At this rate...hmm... not going to happen. I guess my problem is that I tend to be too long-winded when I write, and that makes me lazy to write.
So now I must learn to write short and sweet.
With more pictures.
Coz' everyone loves pictures.
Coz' people today have the attention span of a 5 year old.
That's an attention span of about 10 seconds.
So like I have a friend who once said he wanted to buy a car from KL sometime mid of last year, coz' that was around the time that all cars made in Wilayah Persekutuan would have the last letters 'TF' in their license plate. And being from W.P., the first letter would be 'W'.
The result would be the WTF car.
This is BMW too! The owner paid quite a mint for a WTF car...Doesn't that make you just go WTF??
The WTF car
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:21 PM 0 red comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
New words for the English dictionary
CHOCORGASM: The feeling of euphoria when eating a yummy chocolate sundae, especially after an enjoyable and de-stressing activity, such as dance class.
JOBPRESSION: The sinking feeling you get when you remember you have to get home and work on that report... particularly annoying after having a chocorgasm.
FACEBOOKRASTINATION: Wasting time on FB when you should be doing that report.
New words for the English dictionary
A red rambling from Carol made at 12:35 AM 0 red comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
CITIBank: Customer-service Is Totally Infuriating Bank
So here's the story.
My father is a Citibank credit card holder, and I had a supplementary credit card under his name. I rarely used that credit card, except to pay for my membership and services from True Fitness through monthly installments. On 31st January 2010, my wallet was pick-pocketed, including my supplementary card, which I immediately got my father to contacted Citibank to cancel and they did. He then requested for a replacement card and was told that the card would be couriered to us within 7 days (most courier services take only ONE day, BUT they used Pos Laju. Go figure). Since we had recently moved house, my father informed the bank's customer service representative (CSR) of our new mailing address. The bank promptly charged RM50 for new card, and this charge appeared in his next credit card statement.
However, after waiting more than 7 days, we had not yet received the card. My father called the credit card company again, and told them the same problem. He AGAIN gave our new address, and the rep AGAIN promised the card would be sent to us within 7 days. After 7 more days, AGAIN, the card did not arrive to us. This waiting game went on for over one month and a half, in which my father called the company TWO more times to raise the same issue. Keep in mind, each time he calls, he has to listen to an automated voice telling him to press various buttons and key in various credit card information and this continues for at least 5 minutes each call before he finally gets to talk to an actual person. The fourth time he called, the CSR said that he would look into the matter PERSONALLY and ensure the card would be sent to us by 5pm that same day. This was on 19th March 2010. The card STILL did not come. After this, I was so fed up of their empty promises, I told my father to call the company to cancel the request for a new card, and request a refund for the RM50.
Then on the 24th of March, my father received a visa statement with an extraordinarily high amount charged to us. Upon calling the bank, we found out that because my supplementary card was cancelled, the remaining monthly installments I was paying through that card for my gym services were all being charged in that one statement, and it was a large amount! This was almost TWO months after my stolen card was cancelled and AFTER we had repeatedly requested for a replacement card from the bank which we never received and ultimately decided to cancel. No one from the bank informed us that the remaining charges would be billed in one statement, and since my card was only a supplementary card, the monthly installment charges could have continued coming to my father’s card instead of mine! I then asked to speak to one of the bank managers, at which the bank CSR told me they were all ‘engaged’. Then I repeated our previous issue of not receiving the replacement card to him, and AGAIN had to give him our new mailing address (because our new address was not in their system!). The rep then informed us that I could get a new card, with the remaining installments charged monthly as normal to the new card through their easy payment scheme. I agreed to this, but also requested that the bank issue a new visa statement to my father, with the extraordinary charges removed as I was afraid he would get charged for late payments for this large amount. The CSR agreed to this.
HOWEVER, today (29 March 2010), my father checked his statement online and saw no changes made. When he contacted the bank (another 5 minutes of his life wasted listening to the automated voice), he was told that the bank management needed THREE DAYS to discuss our case and decide whether to issue a new card with the easy payment scheme to us. The reason being because for the previous two months, my father paid his credit card bill late (of course he was charged interest for the late payments!).
Because of this, I have decided I have had enough of Citibank’s extremely horrible customer service and COMPLETELY empty promises. I have no choice but to pay off the large amount Citibank charged in the latest statement (which was supposed to be charge in monthly installments), after which I told my father to cancel his credit card. Because if I wait any longer for this ‘supposed’ management meeting to complete, I am VERY certain that Citibank will charge my father interest for late payment of the extraordinary amount! I therefore wish to advise all Citibank credit card holders to CANCEL their credit card because:
1)The bank is SO QUICK to charge you for a replacement card, but does not care if you actually receive it or not.
2)Even though you have no choice but to cancel a stolen card, the bank burdens you even MORE by charging all remaining monthly installments in one lump sum. If a customer has to make many monthly payments and has an average or low salary that is sufficient only to pay for installments, imagine the heavy burden that would be!!!
3)Customers waste so much time trying to contact the bank but having to listen to an automated voice for several minutes. -_-
4)You wanna speak to their manager? You get the standard answer: They’re all engaged!!
5)The customer service representatives promise the sky and the moon but repeatedly end up delivering NOTHING. >:O
EVERY Citibank card holder should know about this problem and drop this bank straight away so they lose business and learn how to improve their customer service. Forward this to all your friends (but delete the email addresses so spammers don’t get them!).
By the way, Citibank, if any of your people are reading this, I WANT MY RM50 BACK for the card that I NEVER received.
CITIBank: Customer-service Is Totally Infuriating Bank
A red rambling from Carol made at 1:16 AM 1 red comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Rojak toll ticket
So one day, my dad's like sending me the airport so I could a flight off somewhere for work, and as we pass the toll booth, the guy (or girl, didn't notice) at the toll booth gives us the toll ticket. Now you would expect a freshly printed toll ticket to look... well... freshly printed. However, this is what we got.This, my friends, it evidence that our friendly neighbourhood PLUS highway operators are up to some form of hanky panky with the toll payers' money, no doubt. Malaysia boleh! Whoop whoop!
Rojak toll ticket
A red rambling from Carol made at 7:40 PM 0 red comments
Red Labels: interesting stuff
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Kopitiam Kopicats
I have a theory that hidden somewhere in Malaysia, there is one secret factory or company that owns the sole rights to produce dining equipment for all the kopitiams in Malaysia. And by kopitiams, I don't mean the traditional Chinese coffee shops, but those newfangled modernized kopitiams with free wi-fi where people go in with there with their laptops so they can look cool in front of people they don't know. That includes me sometimes, but I have an excuse coz' my internet at home sux to the max. These places have different names but all look pretty much the same. Don't believe my theory? Let us view the evidence and then play a little game.
Exhibit A: Old Town Kopitiam, Taipan USJ
Exhibit B: Old TASTE Kopitiam, Taipan USJ
Exhibit C: Hainanese Kopitiam, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail
The game now is to Spot the Difference. What differences do you see? Far as I can tell, only the uniforms of the workers are the three shops differ. Other than that, everything else is the SAME.
All three shops have huge pics of food and the menu displayed above the counters.
The drinks and food counter at all shops is out in the open for everyone to see.
The chairs are the SAME!
The round tables are the SAME (Old Town has some square ones though. Whoop de doo)!
The lights are the same!!
Even the tissue boxes look the same!!!
So now I'm wondering of all these kopitiam owners are really so unoriginal, or are they trying to ride off the success of the 'original' modernized kopitiam by making it all look the same?? Which one is the original one now I also dunno, though I suspect it is Old Town. -_-
Kopitiam Kopicats
A red rambling from Carol made at 5:40 PM 0 red comments
Red Labels: miscellaneous musings
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tale of a stolen wallet
Two weeks ago I had the unpleasant experience of having my wallet go missing. I was at Sunway Pyramid, hanging out with some friends and looking through some clothes to buy for CNY, and as I was waiting at the fitting room with a armful of jeans to try on, I noticed my handbag was wide open. And after a frantic check, the worst was confirmed... my good ol' yellow wallet with a silver teddy bear in front which I've had for YEARS (at least 5, I think, can't even remember), was gone. I figure I either accidentally left my handbag open and it might have fallen out, or someone just bravely unzipped it while I was busy rummaging through a pile of jeans while looking for my size, and my handbag was slung over my sholuder out of my sight. Either way, someone grabbed the opportunity and snitched my wallet, which contained about RM200, all my receipts for my work claims which also amounted to a few hundred ringgit, a 4GB thumbdrive (I got it free, but I still really liked that thumb drive), and of course, my IC, driver's license, credit card, atm card, and other miscellaneous stuff here and there.
Luckily I noticed it was gone pretty quick I guess, so I could immediately call my banks to cancel the atm card and credit card, after which I reported the incident to the Lost and Found sections of Pyramid, hoping that perhaps some kind soul would have picked it up if it had dropped, or the thief would at least just take the money and return the rest of my stuff to save me the trouble of having to apply for new cards and all that blah. I still took emergency leave the next day to apply for a new IC, but still held out hope for the rest of the week that I would somehow or another get it back... like someone would knock on my door and return it to me or dump it in my mailbox or something...but alas, no luck. Still, I am thankful that it wasn't worse. My whole handbag could have been snatched from me, or someone could've tried to rob me at knifepoint. At least I wasn't at any risk of injury, I was just a bit careless and some sneaky bugger took the opportunity.
So since I had to go through that, I thought I should do a little community service by sharing my tips on what you need to do once you find your wallet has been stolen (and the kinks you might encounter along the way, such as money hungry people who derive joy out of taking more money from you after you've already had your stuff stolen):
1) Already mentioned - call your bank(s) and have all your credit cards and atm cards cancelled right away. Else the next time you get your credit card bill, you'll probably find a lot of strange and very expensive purchases on your bill. Your atm card, they are less likely to be able to use it without knowing the pin number, however, you don't wanna take the chance. The downside, of course, it that the stoopid banks will charge you RM50 for a new credit card, and RM12 for a new atm card (for Maybank, that is). Yup, they do a fantastic job of easing your problem after you've just had your wallet stolen. Gotta love the banks.
2) Make a police report. This is so you can apply for a new IC and driver's license, of course. Very important tip is that if you report your IC as stolen (and this should be stated in the police report), you will not get fined when you apply for a new IC. HOWEVER, if you report your IC as missing or misplaced, the National Registration Dept will happily charge you RM110 for your carelessness. So you gotta be careful how you word your police report, or NRD will give you a hard time!
In my case, I wasn't too sure if it was actually stolen or my wallet dropped out, so I just reported it as I found my wallet missing from my handbag while I was shopping. It was only after I made the report at the police station when I realized my error. The next day when I had to go back to collect the receipt for my report (they also charge RM2 for that stoopid report. I don't know why I pay taxes to these people), I asked if I could amend the report. The guy I was talking to was this guy who was wearing dirty-ish polo T-shirt instead of a police uniform, looked like he hadn't brushed his teeth in ages and was fat enough that I think if he had to run after a criminal, he'd drop dead from a heart attack after running 2 minutes. And while it would be nice to think the police' motto is to serve the people, this annoying bugger's first comment when he looked at my report was I should have made the report at the Sunway police station next to Pyramid, where the incident occurred (I made it at SS17, which is slightly further away). At this point, my eyes kinda narrowed as I imagined a lots of unfriendly things I wanted to do this guy, but I just grunted in acknowledgement. Then he said I can't amend the report anymore after it's already printed, and also that the report wasn't written 'correctly' so most likely I would get fined for the missing IC. Ugh. Fortunately, the next day when I went to the NRD and explained to the guy at the NRD that my wallet was most likely stolen, he didn't give me a hard time, accepted my explanation and didn't charge a fine. *Whew! Thank God for small mercies! Plus the guy who took my photo at the NRD office was a very friendly person. So while dealing with the police was a bit of a pain, I would say I'm quite happy with the NRD. The only pain was the long wait for my turn (I had to wait about 4 to four hours after taking my number! ~:O)
3) In case there is info you want to update on your IC, such as a new address, in addition to filling out a form to request for a new IC, you also need to fill out another form for change of information on the IC, as well as have some documented evidence of the change in address or whatever other info. For me, my old IC has my old address, but I have since moved and didn't bother to change the info on it. Since I was applying for a new IC, I wanted to update my address on it, but didn't know I had to bring copies of my electricity or water bill as evidence. Fortunately again, I didn't have to run all the way back to the NRD office to give them the copies of my bills, I just faxed them the copies the next day and called them to confirm that they received it and will change my address. Good and simple. Again, another reason why I am happy with the NRD. It's not very often that I praise a government department, so you government kulis scanning my blog for potentially seditious comments, enjoy it while you can!
4) The NRD is located at Plaza Masalam at Shah Alam. The Immigration Department is located at the PKNS building, also at Shah Alam. Do not be a doofus like me and think the NRD is located at the PKNS, which is what I did and went to the wrong building. Hehe. Unfortunately, if you live outside of Selangor, I have no idea where you're supposed to go. Sorry!
I have since stopped holding out hope that my wallet will miraculously come back to me, and rather than feel crappy about it, I relish the excuse to buy a new wallet coz' my old one was REALLY old anyway. Like, I think I've had it more than 5 years at least, but probably more. So I went out hunting for a new one, and had a rather fruitless search at Summit, which leads me to tip 5) Do not go wallet hunting at Summit. Wallets there are either cheap but low quality and look ugly, or are nice and of good quality but super expensive. The only good ones I found were at this shop called Bonaco and they cost around RM150. Yikes! So I diverted my search to Sunway Pyramid (where my wallet went missing in the first place, ironically!), and found a pretty good quality wallet (apparently it's made of Korean leather, which doesn't really matter to me coz' I couldn't care less which country it's from as long as it's good quality and looks nice) and it only cost me RM62. And yes, it just HAD to be ..... red.Ain't it purty? Buying nice new stuff always cheers a girl up.
I don't have any tips yet on applying for my other documents, coz' I need my IC to apply for everything else, and I haven't gotten my new IC yet (getting it back during my CNY leave). But yeah, hoped it helped somewhat if you ever lose your wallet, which hopefully never happens, unless you really need an excuse to buy a nice new red wallet too. :)
Tale of a stolen wallet
A red rambling from Carol made at 3:57 PM 0 red comments
Red Labels: unfortunate events
A CNY and V-Day wish from my tiger!
Today we Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Tiger as well as Valentine's Day, and in light of this doubly special occasion, I took the liberty of ripping off someone's cute pic of a tiger carrying a heart and used to add in my own little personalized message (as well as to remove the watermark. Gotta love a good picture editing program!).
A CNY and V-Day wish from my tiger!
A red rambling from Carol made at 3:07 PM 0 red comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A Testimony from Metro Tabernacle Church
This is testimony from by Celia Tham, a member of Metro Tabernacle Church of which its ground floor was gutted by arson due to the recent events. I got this in an email, and I especially love the part about where their pastor was supposed to be working in the church but was saved due to the moving of the Holy Spirit. And I hope the politicians who saw how the Christians reacted to the incident were convicted to do the right thing. I have to say, God is one truly awesome dude. :D
1) The night before the church was burned their Pastor was at the church past 11pm because he wanted to check his emails. He is a very hardworking person and has a habit of wanting to complete his work as much as possible. But he is also very sensitive to the Holy Spirit. When he got to the church premise and was about to swipe the card to open the door, he had a terrible stomachache that he had never had before. He knew that the Lord was telling him to go back home and he obeyed and left the church premise. It was past midnight that the church was torched. If he had not obeyed he would have been burned alive and would not be able to live to tell this wonderful testimony. God still has work for him to do on earth. His time was not up yet.
2) The MTC had trouble moving to the new premises in Batu Caves . They had been waiting for approval from the Local Authorities and is still pending. Then they were facing financial difficulties as they needed to buy new furniture for the new premise. They had been raising funds on their own to relocate to Batu Caves but had been “stuck” due to approval permits and raising more $ to buy new furniture and equipment. So when the church was burned it was all the old stuff that they had been wanting to get rid off! And our Govt compensated them RM500K and CIMB and many other donations started to pour in. From an adversity it turned into a blessing! Our God truly provides!
3) Celia has been rejoicing in the office and shared with my MD. Today at our Management meeting, the MD said I had never seen anyone so full of joy when the church got burned down but instead she said it was a blessing.
4) Celia said the church leaders and members shook hands with Najib and they released forgiveness for whatever that has happened in the past. She said Najib felt very welcomed at the church. Hishamuddin commented that during his visit he has never seen so many smiling faces when their church had just been burned down. To God be the glory!
5) They also requested for the Batu Caves new church premise to be turned into a place of worship and not a commercial zone. The Selangor Govt is looking into it and the MB, Khalid gave his assurance that he will look into it personally.
6) The Metro Tabernacle worship service appeared in the International Herald Tribune (they were on international news) and the photo of the worshippers with their hands raised was taken in the Wisma MCA hall. My MD asked what was happening and Celia told him we were praising and worshipping God. MD didn’t know that this was how we praised and worshipped God.
7) A few years ago a visiting speaker from overseas prophesied that the MTC would be in international news. At that time the congregation thought that their Pastor would be traveling around the world to preach as he was already doing that but she said now they understood what the speaker said. I told Celia if it was the doing of man, God would not be glorified but when it is not of man, then God would be glorified like in this situation.
8) It was good to see many church leaders of other denominations coming together at the MTC worship service over the last few days, united and praying together.
9) Lastly, sometime last year Celia approached me and said that she has been praying and she was convicted in her heart to give me an invitation to ask our church/cell to partner with them in prayer with regards to the move to the new church premise in Batu Caves . They were facing a lot of spiritual warfare. I remember sharing with the cell. We didn’t know very much about them then. God is moving amongst us and we could choose to obey his call to pray or disregard and miss the excitement and blessing!
I hope the above sharing would have encouraged us all to press on and serve our Almighty God. MTC has found favour with God and so has many other churches. We must increase our faith to the next level and stay united. PRAYER is the only powerful weapon God has given to all of us. Let’s use it mightily for His Glory!
A Testimony from Metro Tabernacle Church
A red rambling from Carol made at 5:00 PM 0 red comments
Red Labels: current issues
In the spirit of 1Malaysia! (Warning: Sarcasm overload)
On today's segment of "Did You Know?" (Actually this is my first segment ever... gotta start somewhere, right?):
The Torah (which is the first 5 books of the Bible) were written well before 1000B.C, the 4 Gospels were written about 70 A.D. (about 40 years about Jesus died), the rest of the biblical books were written somewhere in between, but the Quran was written in approximately 610 to 632 A.D (that's waaaay after all the books of the Bible were written) ?
Many stories and people written about in the Quran are the same people written about in the Bible? These include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, King David, King Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Aaron, Moses, Zechariah, John the Baptist, and Jesus. Details of these stories are similar (with some differences) but the Quran describes them all to be men sent by the one whose name starts with "A" (I can't use the word coz' I'm not Muslim. Kinda makes me feel like a character in the Harry Potter books who uses "You-know-you" instead of 'Voldemort'.). More importantly, the Quran says Jesus were merely a prophet, although the Bible says Jesus in the Son of God.
The English translation of the Quran also commonly refers to the one whose name starts with "A" as "Lord"? You can see this for yourself in the online version of the English translation of the Quran. The name 'Lord' is what Christians use to refer to our God and to Jesus.
I still hold out some hope that our Malaysian government does desire some form of equality among all Malaysians, especially our Prime Minister and his political party whose name befits their actions (because their actions usually make everyone else go either "Umm?" or "Noooo!!") whose dream is to have everyone united under '1Malaysia'. Under this vision of '1Malaysia', it is apparently very equal to ask people of certain faiths to not use a certain name to refer to their God, regardless of the fact that this name has been used by people of this faith for centuries. The very logical reason is because the people of different faiths have different beliefs of what their God is like, therefore it does not make sense to call the God of people of different faiths by the same name. It is equal to say that even though this certain name of God has been used for centuries by people this faith not only in Malaysia, but also Arab, Indonesia and the rest of the Arabic speaking world, restrictions on the use of this name only apply to people of Malaysia. Why? Well, because Malaysia is SPECIAL (so Arab and Indonesia, you just gotta deal with it. Ok? OK? O? Kay?)
It is also very equal to confiscate and ban 15,000 holy books using this specific name in this specific language. Under '1Malaysia', this is necessary to ensure that the religious sensitivities of a certain group of religiously sensitive people are not insensitively flared up. So to help further achieve our government's noble vision of unity and equality under '1Malaysia', in light of the above mentioned fun facts and also to ensure there is no chance of insensitively flaring up the religious sensitivities of potentially-sensitive people of other faiths, I think it may be necessary to make the following requests to our wonderful and fair government:
1) Kindly order that all English versions of the Quran which refer to the one whose name starts with "A" as 'Lord', be banned, removed from stores and ceased from printing. According to Cambridge Dictionary, "Allah" is defined as "the name of God for Muslims", whereas "Lord" is referring to "(in the Christian religion) God or Jesus Christ". As such, it is fair that if only Muslims can use "Allah" in reference to your God, then it must be that only Christians can be allowed to use the word "Lord" in reference to their God and Jesus Christ. The English version of the Quran cannot use the word "Lord", especially since it is already defined as a name specifically referring to the Christian God, which is obviously not the same as the Muslim God. If an English version of the Quran using the word "Lord" is read by a Christian, they might get confused and convert to Islam. We don't want any Christians to be confused. No sirree. Probably wouldn't be good for Muslims either, since they might also read the word 'Lord' in the English Quran, and think it refers to the Christian God, and therefore be confused and become a Christian. You don't want any Muslims to be confused either. No sirree.
Oh no! I mentioned the 'A' word even though I'm not a Muslim! I'm evil, I'm eeeeeevil!!!
But I'll get over it.
2) In the process, kindly also ban the printing of all English versions of the Quran that print the name of Jesus. This is because the Christians also worship Jesus as our Lord and Son of God, whereas the Quran only describes Jesus as a prophet and specifically states He is not the Son of God. Since the God of the Muslims and the Christians are different and they must be called by different names, then the Jesus of the Muslims and the Christians are also different. Christians might also read about Jesus in the Quran and become confused, thinking He's been demoted to a prophet. No good, no good, no good. You could, however, just refer to Jesus as 'Isa', which is the Arabic name for Jesus. No problem there.
3) While you're at this, kindly also make sure all the English Qurans do not use the names of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, King David, King Solomon, Mary, Moses, etc... since these were all people written about in the Christian Bible. Copyrights of stories goes to the first person who writes that story, and since the Christian Bible came WAAAAY before the Quran was written, then the Quran cannot use those names. Especially since the Quran also describes these people rather differently, so they can't be the same people as those in the Bible, therefore you have to give them different names. There is no problem if the English Quran used only the Arabic names of these people (Moses = Musa, Solomon = Sulaiman, Mary = Mariam, Abraham = Ibrahim, Noah = Nuh, etc, etc). Gosh, it would just be a catastrophe if the Christians read about all these biblical characters with biblical English names in the Quran. They all just get so confused and think the Quran IS the Bible and become Muslim! After all, there *might* be some Christians out there who are incapable of reading the front cover of a holy book, and therefore mistake the words "The Holy Quran" as meaning "The Holy Bible". Although I wonder how they can even read the book in the first place if they can't even read the front cover and differentiate the Muslim Quran from the Christian Bible. I'm just saying.
4) The government must also establish a new ruling that everyone who has a different opinion about a certain person must refer that person by one specific name. This is due to the very logical reasoning that if Muslims and Christians believe different things about their God, then this God must be two different entities and Muslims and Christians cannot call them by the same name. By the same logic, if I were to believe that the ex-president of MIC, Samy Vellu were a very noble and honest politician upholding the rights of the people, but another person believed Samy Vellu were a scoundrel out to swindle the people of their money, then we are believing in two very different people. As such, it is imperative to have a new ruling - all people with the same opinion of Samy Vellu as myself can only call him "Samy". No other name. And all people who think he's a scoundrel can only call him "Vellu". We cannot interchange these names. It could inflame some political sensitivities, and we don't want people to think we are referring to the same Samy Vellu. It is simply illogical. Same applies to all other politicians and famous people in the country, since everyone has different ideas and opinions about different people. You now have to come up with a long list of specific names that can only be used by specific people. You better get busy!
Yes, my dear Malaysian government and PM, I'm sure you will all agree that removing all English versions of the Quran with the above name being used is an absolutely necessary step towards ensuring the religious sensitivities of the Christians are not inflamed. It is also necessary that all Muslims and Christians make sure they use ONLY the names referring to their respectives Gods and people in the Bible, and not share these names among each other, because this is the true spirit of '1Malaysia'. '1' God for Muslims and '1' God for the Christians. Let's all ignore the fact that Muslims and Christians share a lot of common beliefs... sharing things in common is not in the spirit of '1Malaysia' at all. It is the fact that Malaysians do not know how to share that makes us all truly ONE.
So goooooo, 1Malaysia!
In the spirit of 1Malaysia! (Warning: Sarcasm overload)
A red rambling from Carol made at 12:54 AM 4 red comments
Red Labels: Christian, current issues
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Tuhan Akbar!
In other words, God is great, and since the 'A' word is claimed to be copyrighted by certain people who have some misguided belief that certain words can only be used by certain people of which I am not one of, I conveniently replaced the 'A' word with Tuhan. God is really really great. And awesome. And almighty. Coz' He not only protected his people, who by biblical definition are the real churches, He has also done a good job of protecting the buildings that His people go to worship.Why do I think so? To date, the number of reported attacks on churches, plus one convent school (they even dare to attack SCHOOLS where children may be at. These twerps truly have no conscience!) has risen to EIGHT, today some of which were churches outside of the Klang Valley, in Perak, Sarawak and Malacca. And this is what the papers have reported:
Reported in the News Straits Times on 8 Jan 2010:
The Metro Tabernacle church in suburban Kuala Lumpur was fire-bombed in a midnight attack that gutted its ground floor. Firebombs were later tossed into the compound of at least two more churches - the Assumption Catholic Church and the Life Chapel Protestant church - in Petaling Jaya, but both failed to explode. Another church also received a threat.
Reported today (10 Jan 2010) in the Sun:
In the first case outside the Klang Valley, a pastor at All Saints Church on Jalan Taming Sari in Taiping alerted the police after finding broken bottles and soot in the compound of the church at about 7.30am.
The 120-year-old Anglican church is listed as a heritage site.
Perak police chief DCP Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah, who confirmed the incident, said there was no damage to the timber building.
He said police received another report from SM Convent on Jalan Regat Convent after a Molotov cocktail was hurled at the security guardhouse at about 3.30am. The bottle broke a glass window but failed to explode.
Zulkifli said police were also informed of a broken empty bottle found in the compound of St Louis Catholic Church not far from the school.
In all reports of churches attacked with Molotov cocktails, so far not ONE has exploded. Like what? Either these guys are just so incredibly incompetent that they can't even make a proper Molotov cocktail, or these bombs just didn't go off because of divine protection. Actually I like both possibilities just as much, and the former is simply more hilarious, but still I'd rather put it down to divine protection. Of course, the thought occurred to me earlier, but I thought it would have been unfair to say God protected all the other churches when the ground floor of one of the churches attacked, the Metro Tabernacle, was destroyed by arson. Does that mean God protected the other churches but not this one??
Not so, as I read a report in the Star today that shows otherwise. The worshippers at Metro Tabernacle were already planning to relocate their church to a new area, which was all set up and ready to be moved in by Christmas last year, but they couldn't because they couldn't get the necessary approvals. Now not only will they certainly get their approvals, but our Prime Minister is giving a grant of RM500,000 to them to help them to relocate! So they not only already have a brand spanking new church to go to, but they have a hoopla of money to buy new resources and equipment for their church! It's amazing! Is God awesome or what? Fellow Christians, let's give our Lord all the glory and praise He deserves and trust that He will continue to protect us and His churches.
Our places of worship are not meant for this:
Our places of worship are meant for THIS:
This was my church service today. We had a combined service with all other CBC centres, and amid the hype of churches being firebombed, we CBC-ians came out in FULL FORCE to celebrate and praise God. And news reports also show that Christians in other churches were all out today, regardless of the security risks. There was no talk of fear or condemnation of any one of my church leaders. Instead, my church leaders asked us to bless our nation, to bless our country's leaders and government and pray for them to have wisdom and uphold justice in our country. Honestly, I found it SO difficult to pray that, considering everything we've seen so far shows our leaders haven't got much in terms of wisdom or ability to be just. But as difficult as it is, that's what Christians are called to do... not just to love our friends, but also to love our enemies. And I'm glad and proud that my church leaders encouraged us to do what is difficult, but what we know is right.
We don't need to turn our places of worship and joy into places of protest and anger.
We don't need to fight anyone else to protect the name of our God. Our God is fully well and able to protect us from harm, and He has already done so.
We only need to praise His name and enjoy every minute of it.
God is GREAT! :D
Tuhan Akbar!
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:11 PM 1 red comments
Red Labels: Christian, current issues
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A week of sadness and madness
The past couple of days have been both saddening and maddening. Saddening because I recently got news of the death of a friend of mine. And maddening (and saddening as well) because of events yesterday in which several churches in Malaysia were firebombed. I don't feel the need to reiterate these events, they are all over the news not only in Malaysia but on CNN, MSN and around the world. The reason for these attacks is also stupid and more maddening... just because some Muslims (thankfully not all of them) believe the word 'Allah' is exclusive to them. It's maddening because they don't realise that Catholics and Christians who only speak Malay have been using the word 'Allah' for ages, and just because they are afraid of their fellow Muslims being confused into becoming Christian by us using the word 'Allah', this stupid molehill turned into a mountain. If the Muslims have such bad understanding of their own faith that they cannot tell the difference between their own god and the Christian God just because they hear the word 'Allah', isn't that their own fault for not being well versed in their own teachings? Shouldn't they be making more effort to educate the Muslims on how to tell the difference, instead of hitting out at Catholics who been using the word for ages? There are numerous articles online written by Muslim writers, including Marina Mahathir, who has argued that 'Allah' has been used by Christians around the world for ages, but when it comes to the fanatics, all this falls on deaf ears. What's even more maddening is that most of the church attacked were not Catholic churches but protestant churches, which has nothing to do with the Catholic publication, the 'Herald' which is using the word 'Allah'. I suppose if they can't even tell the difference between a Catholic church and a Protestant church, then they would just as easily confused by the use of the word 'Allah' by Catholics. Fantastic way of demonstrating their level of intelligence to the world. The whole issue was just mildly funny when it became a court case. Now they have taken it to the extent of causing arson and throwing bombs into churches, which is far from a laughing matter. What if someone had been in these churches and been badly injured or killed? Will that make them happy? If these people have no qualms about burning down other people's places of worship, then what is stopping them from taking the next step and strapping a bomb to themselves before walking into a church service tomorrow? Even my mum warned to stay away from church for a while, but I'm not about to let a bunch of uncivilized hooligans scare me away from going to worship. Christians around Malaysia are praying for peace and protection, and I know He will provide. If they try any funny things tomorrow, God will protect his people even if other property gets damaged.
Some people claim this fire was sparked by certain political parties out for political gain, and I have little doubt that this is true, considering there is even a Facebook group called 'Menentang Penggunaan Nama 'Allah' oleh Golongan Bukan Islam'. And of the list of officers of this group, I think almost half of them are from a certain political group whose name befits their actions Coz' their actions make everyone (except their own people, of course) either go "Ummm???" or "Nooooo!!". While this doesn't prove for sure that said political group is brainwashing anyone into throwing bombs into churches, it DOES show there is a definite political link in the whole 'Allah' issue. One of these officers is the son of our wonderful ex-Prime Minister, whose name I decided not to mention coz' in this country it seems to be a crime under what I like to call the Incredibly Stoopid Act to point out the injustices committed by people in power. So I will refer to said person as "Mucky" (Isn't that an endearing name? When I get another dog, I think I might name it that). Mucky, ironically enough, stated on his FB profile that he also supported the whole idea of 1Malaysia. It was so maddening and ludicrous at the same time, that I couldn't resist sending him a little message to poke him with the irony. I suppose considering he is a leader of the political party that makes people either go "Ummm??" or "Nooooo!!", doing such a thing isn't wise. Perhaps tomorrow some the rambunctious youth of said political group will come hitting on my door and try to firebomb my house for speaking up against one of their great leaders? But if they are out for political gain, then this is exactly what they want - for non-Muslims to be afraid. So afraid that they won't dare speak up for fear of getting into trouble with the government like what's happened to RPK and other bloggers. But if Mucky is as all for '1Malaysia' as he claims to be, then he being an political leader will listen to what people like me have to say without making threats. He actually replied to my message, which was a bit of a pleasant surprise, considering I thought he would more likely ignore me as a nobody. So since I had his attention, I decided to throw him a challenge. Here's a rundown of what I said to him on Facebook (I spoke initially in Malay, so sorry for anyone who doesn't understand. I'm lazy to translate:
My 1st message:
"Bersama sama melaksanakan gagasan 1Malaysia" tetapi kamu memimpin kumpulan "Menentang penggunan nama Allah oleh golongan bukan Islam". Itu bukan ONE malaysia lagi, itu Malaysia terbahagi kepada golongan Islam dan bukan Islam, faham tak? Adakah Allah kamu akan bergembira kalau kuli-kuli kumpulan kamu berjaya meruntuhkan gereja-gereja di Malaysia atau membunuh semua pastor dan pemimpin Kristian? Orang seperti kamu menyebabkan orang Islam diketawakan oleh seluruh dunia luar dan menjadikan ekonomi kita lebih teruk sebab orang luar takut melabur pada Malaysia sekarang. Kakak kamu, Marina, memang lebih bijak daripada kamu. Belajarlah daripadanya.
Mucky's reply:
sy tidak rase ini org melayu islam buat... mana bukti dia? kalau sdri ingat sejarah kapal terbang langgar bangunan di us tempoh hari.. angkara siapa? mana org yahudi ada dlm bangunan tersebut...? siapa yang bakar sentimen dahulu? kita hidup dah lebih 50 tahun kenapa isu perlu di ungkit..? kalau sdri bersetuju kepada tidak sokong sekolah wawasan @ untuk semua... siapa rasict ??
My 2nd message:
Kenapa isu perlu diungkit? Itu soalan yang patut ditanya oleh orang Katolik. Orang Katolik di Sabah dan Sarawak yang hanya fasih dalam Bahasa Melayu telah menggunakan nama 'Allah' sebelum kemerdekaan negara kita. Begitu juga dengan umat Katolik dan Kristian di Arab dan Indonesia. Kenapa hanya sekarang penggunaan nama Allah oleh orang Katolik menjadi isu walaupun mereka telah menggunakannya sejak berpuluh-puluh tahun?? Kalau takut orang Islam akan menjadi 'keliru' dengan penggunaan nama Allah oleh orang Katolik, ini bukan kesalahan orang Katolik tetapi kesalahan orang Melayu yang langsung tidak memahami pengajaran dan kepercayaan Islam, lalu mereka hanya tahu mempercayai apa-apa yang diperkatakan oleh orang lain. Orang Islam yang memang memahami pengajaran Islam tidak akan dikelirukan dengan begitu senang, seperti yang diperkatakan oleh Marina juga dalam artikel blognya "Confident People Do Not Get Confused". Kalau nama 'Allah' menjadi copyright orang Islam, apa perkataan yang lain akan menjadi copyright Islam? Seluruh Bahasa Melayu? Kalau begitu, Bahasa Melayu tidak perlu dijadikan bahasa kebangsaan, jadikannya hanya eksklusif kepada orang Melayu sahaja. No problem because I can do very well with English. And no, I do not believe it was real Muslims attacking our churches. Real Muslims understand that the Quran preaches peace and instructs Muslims that other places of worship should not be destroyed. I have many Muslim friends and colleagues who are nice people and I know they would not carry out such horrible acts. But the attackers are fools who think they are upholding the name of 'Allah' because someone told them to. Do you know that even if the police claims there is no evidence that these acts were carried out by Muslims, this is what the rest of the country and the WORLD already thinks? Just read the world news on CNN, Reuters, MSN, etc, all with headlines saying "Malaysian Churches firebombed amid 'Allah' dispute." And the rest of the world also already knows Muslim terrorists were behind the attacks on the World Trade Centres. I know not all Muslims are like this, but the few that are giving the rest of you a VERY bad name. So while you continue to wait for the 'evidence', the rest of the world is already seeing Malaysian Muslims as a bunch of Christian-attacking fanatics. Is this what you want the rest of the world to think of your fellow Muslims? Do you support these acts of intimidation against Christian on our Malaysian soil? And do you really support the whole idea of 1Malaysia? If not, then as a leader of UMNO, I ask you to gather your fellow UMNO members in your next protest to put aside your 'Allah' issue and instead protest against these acts of violence of Christians, and send the message to those fools pretending to be Muslims that your GOD (I won't use the word 'Allah', nanti I kena hentam sebab bukan Melayu) does not condone such things. And for your information, I am not one of those against the wawasan school. I myself studied in sekolah kebangsaan, not Chinese school, or else I would not be able to speak your language as well as I can. Thank you.
I just sent that last message, so no reply from him yet. I wonder if there is any tiny chance of him actually taking me up on my challenge and starting a protest against the attacks on the churches. If he does, I guess there is still some small inkling of hope for his political party. But judging from the dumb questions he was asking me, nope, don't think it's going to happen. He's the one asking ME who was raising sentiments after 50 years. Haiyoh, so faaarny.
To my Muslim friends reading this, I understand that these fanatical Muslims are the minority. I have read many articles by Muslims who have spoken out to condemn the acts of violence... I also have a number of Muslim friends and colleagues whom I know personally to be nice and wonderful people who would not think of doing such heinous acts. So I know it is unfair to lump all of you together as one big crazy group of religious fanatics... this is simply not true. But I hope the Muslims that are equally as saddened by these events will not just stand by and hope it will all go away soon. These fools pretending to be Muslims will not listen to reason by non-Muslims... but they may listen to their fellow Muslims who stand up against these acts of violence. Stand up for what is right, so the rest of the world will know that the violent few Muslims do NOT represent all of you.
And to my fellow Christians, if you can be totally peaceful and forgiving and encouraging over this, then great. For me, I can't helped but be somewhat pissed, but I think it is ok to be angry too. Jesus was also angry at the unrighteous Pharisees, but he never cursed them or harmed them (the most he did was threw around a few tables outside a temple coz' they were selling stuff. That's not half as bad as firebombs). Let's not retaliate violence with violence, but uphold peace in this nation. As Jesus forgave us, let's forgive them (Although understandably it's very hard, and if I could catch those firebombing hooligans, I'd find it very hard to resist the urge to punch them. Hey, I'm just being honest).
A week of sadness and madness
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:56 AM 2 red comments
Red Labels: current issues