Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A day of persistently unflushable poop

Warning, I'm about to talk about my poop. Yes, poop. It's gross stuff I tell you. So if you don't wanna know, don't read on. I'll spare you the poop pictures though. :)

My clothes have been starting to feel a bit tighter recently, which is rather annoying considering I do try to control my food and go to the gym regularly. I have a sneaky suspicion that the difficulty in getting the weight back in check is coz' of accumulated junk in my body and not undergoing any detox program, like, ever. Ok, so I went on a 3-day pure juice fast sometime last year, and that kinda helped, until my mum bugged me to start eating normal again. Which is a shame coz' I was totally on a role drinking nothing but juice for 3 days (and I didn't feel hungry!), but after the 3rd day I admit, I was having difficulty lifting weights at the gym.

So after about a year, I thought it time to start get that accumulated gunk out of my body again, perhaps in a less drastic manner. And just so happened I was chatting with my buddy Damien from church, who sells these Unicity health products (yes, you can call him up anytime. He does it full time now and sure would like to have more contacts). I've tried some of the detoxifying products from Unicity before, so I decided to give it another shot. The one's I tried before were Unicity's Nature's Tea, which has a type of tea which is supposed to "aid the body's natural ability to cleanse itself of toxins, combining efficient cleansing action as part of a weight management program", and also Paraway Plus, which are capsules and they apparently help dislodge parasites in your intestines, so they come out in the poop. The one I did not try before is Lifibre, a container of powder for mixing with water or juice or any drink, and the fibre helps to clean out your intestines of gunk. All in all, it's supposed to an effective combination for cleaning out bodily toxins.

The program is such that I take LiFibre and water plus 2 capsules of Paraway Plus in the morning (5 capsules after 10 days), and Nature's Tea seeped in hot water in the evening. So I started taking the stuff yesterday, and today my bowels were starting to move nicely. Although I also had one of those 3-in-1 coffee mixes at my office, which usually also really gets my bowels going, so I'm not sure if the effect was from the coffee or this stuff.

I do know that Damien did warn me not to seep the tea too long in the water, else it would be too strong and I would start pooping more than intended. But I had taken the stuff before and didn't have such an effect on me (perhaps my intestinal gunk is too impervious to the effects of the tea), so I didn't bother. I just seep the tea as long as I can.

So today in the office, I actually did have to use the loo a couple of times. And while it was not runny, my excretions were.... more than usual. And it was then that I realized that my office's toilet flush was really sucky.

I flushed once. Some of the poop went down but not all.

I waited a while for the toilet to refill. And while doing so I was contemplating taking a picture of my poop and posting it on Rate My Poo. Fortunately my better judgement was still in place. So I flushed again.

Some poop was STILL floating around.

So I had to wait for the thing to refill again. This time I looked at my poop a little closely, wondering if I could see any parasites wringling around on my poop, hanging on for dear life in the toilet bowl water.

Didn't see anything wriggling. Which I guess is a good thing.

Then I flushed again. And STILL there was a couple of floaters.

So while waiting for the next refill, I ran over to the next toilet and brought over a little pail to fill with water. Upon next flush, I poured the pailful of water in there to make sure everything went down. And this time it did.

This detox program is supposed to last me one month, where I take the same stuff everyday for the next 30 days. How fun is that.

Lesson of the Day: If you're going to start a detox program, make sure you have a toilet nearby with a very good flush.


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