Some time ago, while at the office, I heard a couple of dogs making quite a din outside my office. My curious colleagues and I peeped out the window and saw this:
A male and female dog mating with each other actually got stuck! And the female was so obviously in pain and making a din. Sometimes she could stand up, but other times she was lying on the floor looking absolutely miserable, all the time stuck to her male mate... She was trying to 'detach' herself from the male for at least 15 minutes, after which they ran off somewhere and I'm not sure what happened after that. The whole time, the male dog was looking pretty relaxed...
This is a time when you can safely say, what a poor f***ing bitch!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Poor bitch
A red rambling from Carol made at 12:21 AM 3 red comments
Red Labels: fun photos, interesting stuff
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Makan-makan at Moe de Cafe
Gosh, I'm posting so much about food, this could almost be a food blog. And I wonder why I'm putting on weight. Duh.
So in my last post I wanted to talk about my visit to Moe De Cafe at Sunway Giza with some buddies. And I also mentioned that this cafe is having a Month of Maids theme where all the waitresses wear maid costumes. Well, I kidded you not, here's the pic to prove it!They come in cute fluffy slippers too! The girl in pink was our waitress, and she wasn't too happy about me taking a pic of her (I guess they must get a lot of people taking pics of them. Heh!). But she was still nice about it.
The cafe sells quite a lot of food, both local and western, at pretty reasonable prices. I ordered a bowl of ramen noodles with seafood, which came at RM12.90 for a big bowl, and it tasted pretty good. Came with some nice big juicy prawns, a mussel, and some squid.
Damien, ie. the Damester, ordered a plate of cheese baked rice with beef, which was also pretty good, and looks like so.Sonia and Meag Yean order cheese baked rice with chicken wings, which looks like the above except there are chicken wings and not beef. Go figure. The one with beef cost RM13.90, while the one with chicken was only RM12.90. Not too bad for cheese baked rice. Another buddy, Chee Yim, ordered a bento box. Which looked like this.
I'm not a big fan of bento boxes, but this looked pretty ok. I didn't manage to get her opinion of it though. I also ordered some fried soft-shelled crabs as a snack. These cost RM10.90 and tasted quite yummy.
Drinks were pretty good as well. The cafe is having a promotion where all drinks are 50% off for the whole month, so a drink like the following red bean yam drink which usually costs RM6 (or something like that) came at half price).
I ordered a cool looking blue ocean, which comes with vanilla ice cream.The Damester ordered something else at first, but was told it wasn't available so he ordered the same thing as me. Then the naughty guy started playing with his food.
We both liked our blue ocean!
Oh yeah, they had a cute ash tray in the shape of a robot kitty cat. That was cute too. :)
So I have no gripes about the food or service, however, some things I and my buddies didn't like was that the menu font was red against a black background, and the lighting at the place was dim, which made the menu so difficult to read. At least it had pictures. Another gripe is that most of the drinks listed in the menu were not available at least 3 or 4 pages worth of drinks! Like WAT duh.... And apparently certain drinks become unavailable after 9pm . According to the waitress this is because the drinks run out at the time, but we suspect it's more likely coz' they want to sell beer after 9pm.
Another weird thing is that the first table we sat at, the seats were too low and too cushy that we sank into the seats, and we knew this would be it too uncomfortable to eat. So we moved to another table with hard chairs, and this was fine. They seriously need to look into changing those green seats.
But otherwise, I thought the place was ok. Maybe the food was not spectacular, but good enough for the price. Hope I get more chances to try the other restaurants at Sunway Giza... all in due time, com-padres !
Makan-makan at Moe de Cafe
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:50 PM 0 red comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A day at Sunway Giza
Actually the post title should be ANOTHER day at Sunway Giza (located at Kota Damansara), coz' last week I went there with some friends, Sonia and Meng Yean. Just that I was so amazed at how different this shopping complex was compared to the many other shopping complexes I've been to, that I couldn't get enough of it the first time round. So yesterday I kinda dragged a few more buddies with me to Sunway Giza again, for a better hang out time.
The design of this place is fascinating! Like most shopping places have shops on different floors that are connected, but at Sunway Giza, the shops on the higher floors are not connected.... but you have to go up to each shop with separate stairways (some have lifts). That sounds kinda weird, I know, but there aren't as many shops here as there is at a normal shopping complex, and most of the shops here are totally new and different from normal places. There are quite a number of interesting restaurants, a few bars, a KTV I've seen elsewhere, and shops with various knick knacks. It's :)
Here are a couple of panoramas of the place I took from different positions of the atrium, so you can see how it looks like overall (just click on the pics for a larger size).
A view of some of the bars and pubs in the shopping complex itself, including The Beer Factory, Bistro Bola (for footie fans?) and Movida. Movida apparently has a different naughty theme each day of the week, judging from the buntings!
Here's a view of Teo Heng KTV, which I've never seen anywhere else. Being a karaoke junkie, I'll make sure to visit this place one day when I'm up for killing people softly with some songs.The place right under Teo Heng is Moe De Cafe, which is a cool looking cafe with reasonably priced food, and apparently they have a different theme each month coz' they had a big banner outside saying 'Month of Maids', and all the waitresses were wearing maid uniforms. Ain't that cute.
I was so intrigued by the concept, I also coerced my friends into having dinner there. Results of which I will save for next post. :)
Some other fancy smancy restaurants worth mentioning is 'Full House', which is apparently deemed a lifestyle store and cafe. I'm not too sure why, but the decor of the place looked like a garden party kind of thing, the menu not only included list of food, but also something other stuff apparently for sale. Sonia mentioned that she heard the food there is good but prices are high for small portions. I haven't tried that place yet so I have no comment. But it's looks like a fancy enough place for cool people to hang out at. :D
Another interesting looking restaurant was Uncle Prawn. I'm not quite sure what's the specialty here, but it's definitely a Chinese restaurant. And they have a dish called 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'. So it's gotta be interesting. :)There are many more interesting and new shops at Sunway Giza... this is kinda just the tip of the iceberg. Another cool thing is that the entrances for the whole place are wide open, meaning it's not totally air-conditioned inside. But the place is kept cool by giant-sized fan on the high ceiling. As shown below with my buddy Damien in the pic. That bugger is 3 storeys high, by the way (the fan, not Damien).
All in all, Sunway Giza is a pretty different place to hang out compared to other shopping complexes. Not very good for shopping per se, but nice if you like to try new things and hang out at nice bars with your friends over a drink. :)
A day at Sunway Giza
A red rambling from Carol made at 11:01 PM 0 red comments
Red Labels: hangouts
Pizza that looks like ice cream???
That's pretty much how I would describe Cone Pizza, which is being sold at this cozy little shop of the same name which I went to visit at Kota Damansara. Basically, as the name suggests, the main food served are pizzas, but not traditional flat and round pizzas, but pizzas in the shape of a cone! The crust is hard, and the cone is filled with the pizza toppings. So it's tastes pretty much like a normal pizza, but you eat it like an ice cream. Nifty concept, eh?
So the one I tried was the Hot & Spicy Chicken pizza, which on the website looks like this:
But in real life, it comes out looking like this:The top layer is cheese, and the juicy fillings are all underneath, as shown below once the cheezy top layer went into my tummy.
As small as it looks, one cone pizza is actually quite filling. So if you have a couple of friends along, like I did, all you need is to order one cone, and maybe share a pasta if you have a big-ish appetite, plus a drink, and you're good to go. My two buddies and I order a couple more plates of pasta (one was kid's size). The pasta was not particularly special, although pretty good as well. Unfortunately I didn't bother to take photos coz' I was too amused with the cone pizza. One of these babies cost about RM9 to RM11, depending on what you order. Pasta also costs just a little more, again depending on what you order, so the prices are pretty reasonable. All in all, between the 3 of us, we paid about RM17 each for two cone pizzas, one regular pasta, one kid's size pasta, 3 drinks and a bowl of mushroom soup.
Check out the website for more yummy offerings. Definitely an interesting new thing to try. ;)
Pizza that looks like ice cream???
A red rambling from Carol made at 2:42 AM 0 red comments
Red Labels: food
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A day of persistently unflushable poop
Warning, I'm about to talk about my poop. Yes, poop. It's gross stuff I tell you. So if you don't wanna know, don't read on. I'll spare you the poop pictures though. :)
My clothes have been starting to feel a bit tighter recently, which is rather annoying considering I do try to control my food and go to the gym regularly. I have a sneaky suspicion that the difficulty in getting the weight back in check is coz' of accumulated junk in my body and not undergoing any detox program, like, ever. Ok, so I went on a 3-day pure juice fast sometime last year, and that kinda helped, until my mum bugged me to start eating normal again. Which is a shame coz' I was totally on a role drinking nothing but juice for 3 days (and I didn't feel hungry!), but after the 3rd day I admit, I was having difficulty lifting weights at the gym.
So after about a year, I thought it time to start get that accumulated gunk out of my body again, perhaps in a less drastic manner. And just so happened I was chatting with my buddy Damien from church, who sells these Unicity health products (yes, you can call him up anytime. He does it full time now and sure would like to have more contacts). I've tried some of the detoxifying products from Unicity before, so I decided to give it another shot. The one's I tried before were Unicity's Nature's Tea, which has a type of tea which is supposed to "aid the body's natural ability to cleanse itself of toxins, combining efficient cleansing action as part of a weight management program", and also Paraway Plus, which are capsules and they apparently help dislodge parasites in your intestines, so they come out in the poop. The one I did not try before is Lifibre, a container of powder for mixing with water or juice or any drink, and the fibre helps to clean out your intestines of gunk. All in all, it's supposed to an effective combination for cleaning out bodily toxins.
The program is such that I take LiFibre and water plus 2 capsules of Paraway Plus in the morning (5 capsules after 10 days), and Nature's Tea seeped in hot water in the evening. So I started taking the stuff yesterday, and today my bowels were starting to move nicely. Although I also had one of those 3-in-1 coffee mixes at my office, which usually also really gets my bowels going, so I'm not sure if the effect was from the coffee or this stuff.
I do know that Damien did warn me not to seep the tea too long in the water, else it would be too strong and I would start pooping more than intended. But I had taken the stuff before and didn't have such an effect on me (perhaps my intestinal gunk is too impervious to the effects of the tea), so I didn't bother. I just seep the tea as long as I can.
So today in the office, I actually did have to use the loo a couple of times. And while it was not runny, my excretions were.... more than usual. And it was then that I realized that my office's toilet flush was really sucky.
I flushed once. Some of the poop went down but not all.
I waited a while for the toilet to refill. And while doing so I was contemplating taking a picture of my poop and posting it on Rate My Poo. Fortunately my better judgement was still in place. So I flushed again.
Some poop was STILL floating around.
So I had to wait for the thing to refill again. This time I looked at my poop a little closely, wondering if I could see any parasites wringling around on my poop, hanging on for dear life in the toilet bowl water.
Didn't see anything wriggling. Which I guess is a good thing.
Then I flushed again. And STILL there was a couple of floaters.
So while waiting for the next refill, I ran over to the next toilet and brought over a little pail to fill with water. Upon next flush, I poured the pailful of water in there to make sure everything went down. And this time it did.
This detox program is supposed to last me one month, where I take the same stuff everyday for the next 30 days. How fun is that.
Lesson of the Day: If you're going to start a detox program, make sure you have a toilet nearby with a very good flush.
A day of persistently unflushable poop
A red rambling from Carol made at 1:08 AM 0 red comments
Red Labels: product reviews, silly stuff
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ninjas need burgers too, HAI!
I've just been out and about reading other people's blogs. And reading other people's blogs have inspired me to get out these lazy fingers and start blogging again. Let's see how long this holds up, people.
Some time ago I popped by Tropicana Mall at Damansara for a dog carnival. My folks brought my pampered mutt of a shih tzu there, where she proceeded to bark at every dog that came within one meter of her. Friendly dog she is. Anyway, I'll save the pooch pics for later. I wanna ramble about a cute little food joint I visited there called Ninja Joe.As the name does not imply, Ninja Joe sells Western food. Very limited choices of western food. Specifically pork burgers (they don't call them ham burgers here in Malaysia although technically it's the same thing ...actually it's the first time I've seen any burgers with any pork/ham in Malaysia! There's a reason for that which doesn't take much to figure out). They also sell french fries, lemonade or green tea, as well as 'shurikens' (pork fried with potatoes). And the number of pork burgers you get depends on the number of ninjas you bring along. If you are solo ninja, you buy one burger. If you are two ninjas, you get two burgers. If you are big boss, you get big burger. Observe the menu as follows.
There is also a nice ninja lady serving at the counter. Well, just a lady in a kimodo. That doesn't really count as a ninja, but at least it's Japanese-y.
Not sure what was up with the transformers pic on the wall though.
Maybe ninjas learned how to transform! :D
And here was what I ordered. A humble pork burger, lemonade and french fries.If you're thinking that burger looks kinda small, you are CORRECT. It was dang small for RM5.50. Although I would say the pork patty was nice. But not nice enough for RM5.50. The french fries did not taste particularly special, like something you can buy at the supermarket and fry yourself at home. And the lemonade, well it was different from what other fast food joints had to offer, so that's ok.
So all in all, the food was not that great although the concept is interesting. Like what do ninjas have to do with burgers and fries? Why, absolutely nothing! That's why it's COOL.
My friend Walter was also ranting about Ninja Joe on his Gmail Buzz, so here was our buzzy conversation:
Walter - Complaining
I have a complain to make. There was this really horrible place I went last week (or so) and I was suppose to give it a review.
Carol - I just went to Ninja Joe last Sunday at Tropicana Mall. Burger is small and pretty pricey, just the meat is nice, that's about it.
Walter - Hey! I have exactly the same thoughts!!
But worse. The kitchen is extremely disgusting and the person serving seems to have some sort of horrible mood yesterday
Carol - I didn't see the kitchen. How did you manage to see the kitchen?
I haven't tried to shurikens though. Are they any good?
Carol - the fries were normal lah. I wouldn't say yuck.
Walter - well it was yuck for me. It was dry.
Carol -
wouldn't mind trying the shurikens next time.
Therefore it has been doubly confirmed that the food is not that great. But I have no comment on the shurikens coz' I haven't tried them.
You have been warned, ninja-san!
Ninjas need burgers too, HAI!
A red rambling from Carol made at 2:35 AM 0 red comments
Red Labels: food