My 64 year-old mum, who is also an avid dog rescuer, gets strays in her area spayed and put up puppies for adoption every other day, found out Puspa has 3 kids and she asked me to post this message for her. I said forget about posting on her page, it will disappear in 10 seconds. But it won't disappear here unless I say so. Here's the message, from one mum to another :)

Coincidentally, I wrote this just when a friend sent me this screenshot that Puspa had posted photos of her lovely 3 kids. I do feel sorry for them, in addition having to grow up with a mother who displays a strange dual personality, is rude, and publicly swears among all the other issues, they are also used by her to gain more sympathy from her followers. Injured dogs, an innocent and poor animal loving uncle and his family, and even her own kids... is there anything this woman won't use to get support and donations other than actual facts, figures or evidence of her unjustified claims?

Karma will also remember that you had 47 innocent dogs die in the flood at MIAR's shelter under your care, when MIAR's unaccounted money could easily have been used to improve the shelter to make it safer during floods or relocate the shelter to a none-flood prone area.
If you have done nothing wrong, why divert attention from the very relevant questions being raised and instead putting your own innocent children on exhibit? For one, that makes you akin to a street beggar who cannot work and can only show off their dependants to get more donations. And two, that implies that you are using your donations for personal use, i.e. your family instead of to help the dogs, which is what the the donations were intended for. Your hardcore supporters say your family is rich and don't need to embezzle funds for personal use. So why show off your kids to gain more sympathy instead of answering the questions?
It’s very simple. If the fraud allegations are not true, show all the bank transactions and evidence you have to show where the money went to. If you're not a drug addict, take a blood test and publish the results for all to see. If you have a doctor's approval to take drugs, publish the letter AND the blood test results to show that the drugs you take are in accordance with the doctor's approval. If Uncle Lee is abusing and overbreeding his dogs, show the video evidence that all his dogs are dying, eating their shit, being overbred and being cramped into cages to counter all the solid photo and video evidence I’ve already posted and those shared on the Uncle Lee's supporters Facebook page.
And you still haven’t even answered a very simple question, WHERE ARE UNCLE LEE'S 31 DOGS???
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