Yes, I know I said before that I hoped to not post anymore about the character of a certain Ms. Rani, but I have to retract that statement coz' I'm annoyed. Annoyed coz' even after all the tough questions being thrown at her and even her own dedicated supporters asking her to be transparent with her accounts to prove the accusers wrong once and for all, she not only completely ignores all the questions and doesn't even try to make any form of rebuttal to me, but instead screams at the ex-committee members that they have no proof and continues to put up posts on the MIAR FB page hero worshipping herself with some bullcrap that the best way to know she's doing good is looking into her dogs' eyes. What, really? Can I look into the lifeless eyes of the 47 dogs that died under your care and ask them what a great job you did taking care of them? On wait, they're all ashes now, so that's going to be a bit difficult.
After many posts of fighting with logic and being faced with endless stupid, in the end, I can only throw my hands up and cave to the niggling desire to chip in my own bit of immaturity to poke at the inanity of this woman's behaviour.
You like poems about yourself, Puspa? Here's a nice one for your page.
Friday, January 16, 2015
A lovely poem for Ms. Rani
A red rambling from Carol made at 2:29 AM 0 red comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
From my mum to Puspa

From my mum to Puspa
A red rambling from Carol made at 12:06 PM 0 red comments
Friday, January 9, 2015
Tough Questions about Uncle Lee
So I know while a lot of people have agreed based on what I've presented so far that Uncle Lee was badly defamed by Puspa, a lot of people don't agree with the conditions that he's keeping his dogs in and are wondering why the heck he is hoarding so many animals. This is a valid concern, which was the same concern I had when I visited his place the first time, and my intention was to try help those dogs adopted out a.s.a.p., until of course the next day happened and all that went haywire. Everything before this was only to debunk the exaggerated claims that Puspa made against Uncle Lee.
Was he abusing his dogs? No.
Was he starving his dogs and depriving them of clean water? No
Was he making them live in their own poo? No
Was he running the biggest and worst puppy mill in the country? No
So was he defamed in respect to all of the above? Yes!
However, if you said he's an animal hoarder and not keeping his dogs and other animals under the best of conditions, I would say you are right. I also don't like seeing animals in cages or leashed up most of the time. But hoarding animals and keeping them in cages is not necessarily abuse or cruelty. Else you'd get a lot more animal owners in this country being charged for cruelty, including MIAR and a good number of other animal shelters for keeping their dogs in crappy cages. Uncle Lee's place is just not an ideal long-term place for the animals. There are also questions about the other animals, particularly the gibbon.
So I'm going to address most of these questions as best as I understand it from Uncle Lee and his wife, and not everyone is going to find them satisfactory or believe these answers, especially I have nothing to back this up except what they tell me. Which is not my problem, my main objective is not to make people support Uncle Lee. It was to show that Puspa's wild claims against him were untrue, and also to show that she's not exactly someone you should be trusting with your hard - earned money. You are free to continue thinking Uncle Lee a weird animal hoarder if you like, but not whatever bullshit Puspa made out about him. However, I believe in being transparent, unlike Puspa who can't even honestly answer a basic question like what happened to the 31 dogs more than 2 weeks after the shelter flooded.
So here we go:
1) Why is Uncle Lee keeping so many animals?
Now many people would argue that if he cannot keep so many animals under ideal conditions, then it's best he does not take in so many. However, because he can't bear to turn away animals in need, his line of thinking is that it's better to have as many animals off the streets and being provided with regular food and water every day even though they have a semi-crappy life in cages, rather than keep a few animals and give them a very good life while a majority remain out on the street and suffering from lack of food, being forced to eat rubbish or facing the risk of being run over every day by vehicles. You want to argue that pampering a few is better than meeting the basic needs of many, you're going to have to give a good moral justification for that. Keeping in mind that a big chunk of his income goes to the animals, which is a lot more than what most people would give up for their pets.
2) Why isn't he giving his dogs up adoption?
He has been giving dogs up for adoption, but he's not good at computers or using the internet, hence he cannot post dogs for adoption online. Hence, the adoption rate is slow and mainly through word of mouth. And considering there are already many other dogs out there up for adoption (over 4000 dogs on alone), any rescuer would understand why it's difficult for him to get his dogs adopted even if he posted them online for adoption. In addition, he knows many people do not know how to handle dogs well, so he interviews them before he allows them to be adopted.
However, since this Puspa came and made this big mess, he's currently not putting any dogs up for adoption to people he does not know, as he wants to relax and get back to his normal life first. Also because he was too trusting of strangers coming to see his place and that's how Puspa found out about him in the first place, when one of those people betrayed his trust. So if you're interested in adopting, you're going to have to wait until further notice (which will be announced on the Facebook page for Uncle Lee's Supporters).
3) Where did all the poodles come from?
According to Uncle Lee's Thai wife, most of the poodles have been with her for more than 7 years old. They are very attached to his wife, and she also lets some of them sleep with her. Most of them were given by relatives, dogs that couldn't be sold by pet shops, abandoned by their owners, and never collected after they sent it to them for boarding or grooming.
4) What was he doing with a gibbon?
Uncle Lee claims the gibbon was left at his place for boarding since it was young and the person who left it never came back to get it, and that he did not know that it was illegal to keep it. From what I can tell, he's not a highly educated person, so it's probably true that he may not be aware of this. Of course, anyone may argue that everyone should know that, in which case, I would ask an interesting questions, which is how many people know, for example, that oral sex is considered a punishable offence in Malaysia? I'm sure a lot of people don't, in which case I can argue how come you are so ignorant of the law, same way you are arguing why Uncle Lee is ignorant of the law against keeping a protected species. Not everyone has the same level of education and access to information as most of us, so ridiculing someone else who isn't as lucky as you in that respect is a bit much.
Uncle Lee has since given the gibbon away, most likely back to his friend. I'm currently not too sure about the status of the gibbon coz' the dogs and dealing with Puspa have so far been my primary concern. But the first time I visited the place, he showed us the gibbon and that he cared for it, I do believe he was taking care of the gibbon as best he could. If it's true that the gibbon was with him since young, then releasing it back into the wild is also not a good idea, as it would not know how to survive in the wild.
5) Why haven't the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) checked out his place?
Well, DVS has actually checked Uncle Lee's place before and since the raid, DVS and Perhilitan came again to inspect. According to Uncle Lee, DVS took photos and 5 of his dogs which were not in very good condition for observation. Perhilitan just came but since the gibbon was relocated, they did not do anything. Neither DVS or Perhilitan has issued any summons to Uncle Lee. If he had been found to be cruel or abusive, they certainly would have done so. But they haven't, which says a lot.
6) So is anything being done to improve Uncle Lee's place?
Yes, since the raid there were at least 4 experienced dog rescuers who have visited Uncle Lee's place and agreed that his place was not as bad as Puspa made it out to be. Some of these people are now working to improve Uncle Lee's place with larger enclosures and better living space for the dogs. More updates on this will also be on the Uncle Lee's Supporters Facebook page
If you have any other questions about Uncle Lee or ideas how to help him, you can send a comment or an email to me, or comment on the Facebook page. Thank you very much.
Tough Questions about Uncle Lee
A red rambling from Carol made at 1:32 AM 0 red comments
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Will the real Puspa please stand up?
This is probably going to be my last post solely about the infamous Puspa Rani, coz' I've got better things to do with my life, like helping Uncle Lee out with the rest of this case and my full-time job, which I how I make money in an honest manner, unlike some people. However, I just figured it was important to show the interesting side of this woman that people who regularly follow MIAR's page may not have known all this time. Keeping in mind that I have never met this woman myself, which even she admits:
So I have no personal vendetta against her. I don't run an animal rescue NGO so she's not my competition. And while she would love to think I'm out for cheap publicity for my blog, which I admit once upon a time I would have liked to be a full-time blogger rolling in the moo-lah like Kenny Sia. Unfortunately even after all this attention, my Adsense acount amount since I started this blog currently only stands at a grand total of....... $11.23.
Mmmm, not really enough to survive, so I'm sticking to my full-time job.
So any regular follower of MIAR would have noticed the occasional post filled with glowing praises about the ever angelic Puspa Rani, e.g.:
Aww, so much sweet poetry. So many stories of triumph through heartaches and tears. All that just gives you a nice, warm fuzzy feeling inside, doesn't it? I mean, however posted those photos and pics must really be close to Puspa and really respect her!
Except the person running the page and apparently posting all this stuff turns out to be.... Puspa herself! As stated in this report in the Star. O_O
Ok, so it seems we have a person who enjoys self praise a little too much.
Then you start seeing the comments and talking to people who have actually met her before, which shows quite a different story... For example, I wasn't the only one who got my comment deleted from MIAR, as it happened to quite a lot of people...
She also apparently seems to be a bit rude and unappreciated of humble offerings that are not money...
Some people say she's rude AND she deletes comments AND unwilling to give updates on animals people donate to her for....
And she tends to display suspicious and questionable behaviour, as well as signs of mental illness??
And then, there was this lovely essay from an ex-MIAR volunteer:
And the usual thing she and her supporters will say is that people who are against her are jealous of her. Right. I could believe that if it was only one or two people saying it. But a whole lot of different people saying it, and most of them being ex-MIAR volunteers or donaters saying the same thing? Why would these people be jealous when they were helping you out in the first place?
Firstly, I can accept to some extent if a head of an organization comes across as rude or stand-offish if they are a no-nonsense person who needs time to focus on the important things like saving dogs, especially with a lot of wishy washy people around animal lover group who always ask other to rescue instead of doing it themselves. Or if you to deal with a 100 over none-helpful comments on posts asking to help some dogs, along the lines of "I wish I could help, but I can't", "Someone please help this dog", "Oh, that's so sad". Seriously, even I want to tell such people off coz' such comments do nothing to help the animal or the person who posted, but only serves to make you feel better about yourself (puh-leeze don't do this, people). However, a person like that running an animal rescue NGO also does not spend half of his or her time prettying up for nice photos of herself and posting poetry hero worshipping them. BECAUSE you're supposed to be focusing on the dogs, not yourself. And this is what I see consistently on other animals rescue group pages. Every other group posts only about the dogs, never about the person running the show, unless it's a new article about the group to get more awareness of the group.
Secondly, why block so many people? Why is she unable to respond to negative comments? If you are a person who is doing what you're supposed to be doing with the money people give you, what do you have to hide? Or is it because she is so caught up in the idea that she's an angel that she cannot handle anyone telling her otherwise?
A person like this, who shows one side on her public arena and a completely different side to the people who don't behave the way she wants, is definitely hiding something. And after seeing the ROS report and how well she shows only side of the story when she 'busts' an 'evil animal abuser', you could pretty much see what that is. Unless you have the grey matter of a hardcore Puspa supporter, that is.
It's been now over 2 weeks since the Kajang flood hit the MIAR shelter. The ONLY update she has given on the 31 dogs she took from MIAR are when she was pressured by one of the Chinese reporters to give a response after our press conference, in which she said the dogs are still alive. But after 5 days, she STILL has not posted ANY evidence that the dogs are still alive. So the question still remain, where are the 31 dogs, and why is she taking so long to give a concrete answer to this??
It's also now been 5 days since my video went viral. In that video I made 8 points on why the raid was questionable. A president of an organization, and a person of real character and nothing to hide should have been able to come up with good solid reasons to counter every single one of those points made. She should have been posting updates on the bad rep every day and justifying her actions, just like Tony Fernandez did went one his planes went down (RIP QZ8501 passengers).
But instead of doing any of that, she does this:
I rest my case.
And to Puspa, I don't need to tarnish your image. You're doing a fine job of it all on your own.
Will the real Puspa please stand up?
A red rambling from Carol made at 8:24 PM 0 red comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
My 180 degree turn in the Uncle Lee case
For the detractors/PR bootlickers who would love to believe I've been bias against Puspa for a long time, as well as those on the fence because you don't trust that I really was initially neutral on the case, allow me to clarify again, with evidence, that up until just last month when I got caught up in Uncle Lee's case, I was a follower of Puspa and believed she was doing good work. On the other hand, when I first heard of the suspected cruel dog breeder, I was as pissed at him on seeing the conditions of his place and dogs through photos, as most people were when the news of the 'biggest and worst puppy mill busted by Puspa' came out. So actually, I wasn't neutral at all, I had already judged Uncle Lee based on the little I knew through the few photos taken.
And as you all can tell, I'm one who likes to back up my claims with evidence, so here it is.
As explained before, how I got involved was when a lady posted on a Facebook group for dog lovers asking for people to investigate this suspected cruel dog breeder. She mentioned that her friend has gone once to his place and ask if they could help reduce his burden by taking some puppies he had, although she did not mention how many puppies her friend saw, so I can only presume this was referring to the 4 puppies mentioned in my video. She said according to her friend, the 'breeder' agreed to let us take the puppies. I had no intention to take any dogs or puppies and just wanted to investigate.
These are the screenshots of the Facebook conversation I had with this lady, whose name and photo has been blurred for privacy.
At the same time, this lady added me to a Whatsapp group named 'Subang Rescue', where I once again jokingly volunteered the use of my steering wheel lock if necessary.
And here is the rest of my conversation with the lady on FB.
At the time, we knew had no intention of reporting to Puspa yet, but Puspa had already gotten other leads. For me, the reason why I did not want to report is because most animal rescue shelters are overcrowded, and I'm one of those who'd rather get out there and try to handle the rescue on my own first instead of bugging NGOs to do it, as I presume their hands are already very full. Followers of Puspa would know that people not doing anything while bugging NGOs like MIAR to rescue is very same thing that Puspa complains about a LOT.
As seen above, the invitation to join the investigation was deleted on the FB group, so you won't find it anymore if you're really 'kaypoh' on whether this invitation ever existed.
Note again my comment that I believed Puspa's shelter was full and believed it was better not to burden MIAR.
And from my comments above, I believed it was unlikely that the 'breeder' would give up any dogs or puppies for free as this is uncharacteristic of breeders. As it turned out, he allowed our group to take away 2 dogs. One took an old and rather weak golden retriever, and one took a mongrel.
So what does all this prove?
1) I had no connection to Uncle Lee before the case. That would make me a good neutral witness to the conditions of his place, although as explained earlier I was already expecting to see all the evidence that he's a cruel breeder, which is not neutral at all.
So if you want to accuse me of being bias, yes, I was bias. I was bias initially towards Uncle Lee, not to Puspa. And all that changed because the evidence against her claims on him was too much to ignore. And that's how I became his best defense against Puspa.
What do I have to gain from doing all this? Uncle Lee is obviously poor, he can't give me anything except dogs, which I already have enough of. The only thing I hope to gain is justice for this defamed uncle, but more importantly justice for the dogs used for someone's personal benefit.
So those of you hum hawing about wanting to be neutral coz' you don't trust my side of the story, perhaps this will be convince you a little better. And to the ever stubborn detractors/PR bootlickers, you can continue being silly, coz' your attempts to shoot me down are always amusing and I like a little comedy in my life.
My 180 degree turn in the Uncle Lee case
A red rambling from Carol made at 3:04 AM 2 red comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Registrar of Societies Deregistration statement on MIAR
Well, since I already pissed off someone real bad, I guess it won't hurt to keep the ball rolling.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Registrar of Societies statement on MIAR, which was issued based on a report made against Puspa by the MIAR's ex-committee members, and includes lots of fascinating stuff about Puspa, including failure to conduct the AGMs, failure to produce accounts records required for audits, misuse of funds for personal use including purchase of drugs and luxury items, etc, etc. Note that the MIAR's ex-committee members have applied to withdraw the deregistation, from what I hear, is because deregistration would have meant all the funds in MIAR's bank account which is to the tune of RM400k, would have gone into insolvency. And they want to ensure these funds are used for the animals, like it was meant to be. None of these pics belong to me but were shared online by the ex-president of MIAR on her Facebook page.
P.S.: if the pic is too small for you to read, click on it for a larger view
Registrar of Societies Deregistration statement on MIAR
A red rambling from Carol made at 2:47 AM 0 red comments