The FB thread above was how hyped I was last season for good ol' American Idol (click on the screenshot to read it in all it's glory). I thought it would be a fun way to kick off the new season! Plus 13 'likes' was the highest amount of 'likes' I've ever gotten on a single Facebook status update. I just had to show it off somehow (Yup, I know, I just made myself worthy of being posted on )
And good grief, American Idol is into it's 10th season already! With no more Simon Cowell, no more Paula Abdul and for some reason, Kara Diguardi is out too. Now we're left with the dawg, Randy Jackson and the new judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler (whom I still wonder how that gave birth to the super hot Liz Tyler. Hmm.. strange world we live in).

Of course, all the ads claim this to be the best season EVERRRRR. But I'm sure the critics/haters/Vote-for-the-Worsters will be pouncing on anything and everything that can and will go wrong this season.
Here's hoping that the new season will actually still be somewhat interesting... that some people as fun or even more fun than Adam Lambert will audition...
Red Dot's gotten into the mood already, it seems.
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