Monday, November 25, 2019

The peoples' views on Anthony Thanasayan

Since Anthony took it upon himself to take screenshots upon screenshots of nasty things said about him, which he deems as cyber abuse and attacks on his disability, here I would like to share what many many different people actually think about Anthony Thanasayan. Most of these are quite civil and not insulting to his disability at all, but only criticize his abrasive behaviour, refusal to engage with anyone whose opinions differ from him, his opinions on euthanasia of stray and disabled dogs, his hypocrisy, and even apparently womanizing behaviour and a habit of using his disability as an excuse to be an arse to everyone.

(If you can't read the text clearly in the screenshots, please tap on the pic to view. :))

Feedback above is from someone from the disabled community who thinks Anthony is really dumb for demanding disabled dogs to be put down because he is in the same situation. Huhu. 

A few people giving their support to me for my first blog post about Anthony. :)

This feedback is a little psychology analysis of why Anthony behaves like a douche
(which he was apparently very offended by)

This feedback is from a personal friend of mine who isn't even in the animal rescue or disabled community,
which shows just how infamous Anthony's arsehole behaviour is

Below is MORE feedback from another friend of mine who is personal friend of mine who also isn't even in the animal rescue or disabled community. Anthony sure made a name for himself being an arse!

Everything else below is feedback about Anthony's views and behaviour from the animal loving and animal rescue community (and trust me, there is so so so much more!)

Given all of this feedback, is it really any surprise that Anthony Thanasayan gets a lot of hate (which is not due to his disability)? Yeah, go figure


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