PREAMBLE: I've edited this from my previous version published on 19 February. The earlier version mainly focused on the amazingly stupid trolling comments of his fanboy, but now I figured it's equally hilarious to show what a hypocrite Alvin Tan was to allow his fanboy's behaviour. This is what you get when you proclaim to be an activist and fail horribly to walk the talk.
Who the hell is Alvin Tan?
No one you really need to care about, really. Most Malaysians and probably quite a few Singaporeans would know about the infamous Alvin Tan, but in case you don't, here's a super quick run down:
- He was studying law in Singapore but threw away his education coz' of a sex blog he did with ex-girlfriend Vivien Lee, which resulted in him being stripped of a scholarship
- Made himself more infamous in Malaysia by regularly poking fun at Islam, the pinnacle of which was posting a pic on Facebook of himself and Vivien eating 'bak kut teh' (meat bone tea, a Chinese dish with pork) and inviting Muslims to eat it...during Ramadhan. The pic was deemed seditious and an insult to Islam. Malaysian netizens, both Muslim and non-Muslim went on a field day thrashing the couple, they were reported to the police and the case went to court.
- Alvin fled to the USA, leaving Vivien behind to deal with the mess on her own. She was subsequently jailed for 6 months last year, and while his ex-girlfriend was languishing in jail due to his bad idea of a funny photo, Alvin was busy making money sticking his junk into other woman in the US (i.e. making porn). At the same time posting more ridiculous stunts such as mocking the Islamic call to prayer (the Azan) and posting a pic of himself using a page of the Quran as toilet paper.
- His Facebook account has since been shut down due to too many people reporting him, but he uses a Twitter account, which is now mostly used to promote whatever sad excuse of porn he makes.
If you can't tell by how I write, I'm far from impressed by Alvin Tan's behaviour, having critisized him on his FB page myself before it (thankfully) got shut down. At some point, he called himself a freedom of speech activist, apparently saying that his intention "was to expose the extremism and violence that have become commonplace in Malaysia for many years, so much so that the label 'model moderate Muslim nation' should no longer be bestowed upon her"
Gee, doesn't that just sound so noble? Except that the truth is his insulting stunts had nothing to do with exposing extemism or fighting for freedome of speech and everything to do with getting cheap publicity for himself. Proven by the fact that he does nothing to rein back his supporters who go on cursing and cyber bullying tirades on his critics or anyone who has a view opposing to his to get them to shut up. This happened to me before when I critisized him on his Facebook, and this again in my latest experience on Twitter with another one of Alvin Tan's unruly fanboys going by the handle EricDane9. This experience though, was worthy of a blog post just coz' in his attempts to troll me, the idiot fanboy displayed such amazing stupidity that I found just absolutely hilarious and deserving of eternal enshrinement on the internet. So the first part of this post is just about this whole hilarious exchange over my surname, while the 2nd part is dedicated to calling out Alvin Tan for the hypocrite he is for allowing such foul brained people to run their cyber tongues in his supposed defense.
Here's the idiot who doesn't know how people get their surnames
I was not a regular user of Twitter until recently (mainly to see the funny things Trump rants about on his Twitter feed). It so happened a tweet from Alvin Tan about prostitutes showed up on my feed. Apparently when I started up my account, for God knows what reason I decided to follow him and forgot about it, and so was wondering why on earth I was seeing his tweets (I've unfollowed him once I realized this).
So anyway, I decided to shoot him back with a retort.
That led to a bit of a debate between us, which fortunately did not degrade to insults, so I'll say Alvin deserves *some* props for being able to at least be civil. But then along comes one of Alvin's fanboys going by the Twitter handle Eric Dane (@EricDane9) who showed no such maturity, calling me a bitch right off the bat and falling on the failed logic that the only reason I must be highlighting the issue of forced prostitution is because I must have been one myself. Sigh.
If one were to curiously browse through Eric Dane's Twitter feed, you'd find it disturbing and strange due to the fact that all, and I mean, ALL his tweets have one and only one purpose, i.e. the hero worship, adoration and what seems to be the homosexual love of Alvin Tan, who he likes to called Meat Bone King / Porky (referring to the 'Bak Kut Teh' incident) and Pokemen (I have no idea why). Some examples of his eyebrow raising hero worship/gay love tweets:
The whole feel of this Eric Dane's feed is that he's like an overexcited lovesick puppy following Alvin, tweeting messages of adoration in the hopes of a reply. More amusingly, it seems Alvin only ever took the time to respond directly to ONE of Eric's puppy love tweets, but usually it's just an acknowlegement in the form of a like. An apparent approval of the attention/ gay love sent by Eric Dane (perhaps a sign that Alvin will diversity in his porn in the future? Who knows?).
So back to the main topic, if you noticed in Eric's 1st tweet to me above, he referred to me as Carol WONG, although my name is clearly stated as Carol NG. And he called me Wong a few more times after that, leading me to assume he was being daft for misreading the spelling of my surname and led to the exchanges below.
At this point, it finally dawned on me that this Eric Dane was not misspelling my very simple 2-letter surname. But he actually believed that I had wrongly translated my Chinese surname to 'Ng' when it should be 'Wong'.
My surname. As in not even my given name, which at least my parents got to decide when I was born (even that, I can't change or decide how it's spelt), but my father's family name.... and his father's and his father's for who knows how many generations.
And Eric Dane who apparently has no clue how surnames work, believed that I had made the silly mistake of wrongly spelling my own surname....
Well, I had initially assumed from his name that his ignorance is prooooobably because he's American or non-Chinese. But even that theory was shot down, coz' his Twitter feed shows that he CAN WRITE CHINESE!
So Eric Dane knows Chinese. And he follows Alvin Tan, so is most likely a Malaysian or Singaporean. And yet has seemingly never heard of anyone with the surname 'Ng', which is fairly common in these countries....
Ok, so when I had gotten round to picking my jaw up from the floor from the dumbfounding stupidity displayed, I then got round to proving to Eric Dane just what an ignorant twerp he was, with some help from Google.
Also screenshots of random people on Facebook named 'Ng':
After all that, anyone with any shred of intelligence or maturity would surely admit defeat after being proven so wrong about the validity of my own surname, right? So I was gracious and gave him a chance to redeem himself.
Buuuuuttt as you might have guessed since you're reading this story, Eric Dane, far from admitting defeat at his proven stupidity, barrelled on and proved even more what a pig head he is!
Yes sirree, that's Eric Dane, insulting the surname 'Ng', used by about 106,200 Singaporean Chinese, and probably around 295,000 Malaysian Chinese (if the same percentage of 4.2% is applied to the approximate 7 million Chinese population of Malaysia) by calling it a CRAPPY translation!
Here's what makes his ignorance especially funny (bear with me as I go on geek mode, coz I quite enjoy researching useless facts. Plus this would be a fun fact for those who don't know the history of the surname 'Ng'). The name 'Ng' is a Cantonese, Shanghainese and Hakka transliteration of the Chinese surnames 吳/吴 (Pinyin transliteration for Mandarin equivalent: Wú) and 伍 (Mandarin Wǔ) meaning "five". In Hokkien (Taiwanese) and Teochew, Ng corresponds to the surname 黃/黄 (Mandarin Huáng) meaning "yellow"; or to 阮 (Mandarin Ruǎn). As my father is Hokkien, my surname 'Ng' corresponds to 黃/黄 (Mandarin Huáng), while 'Wong' is another Cantonese variant of 'Huang'! Meaning to say our 'genius', Eric Dane who soooooo adamantly insisted that my 'proper' surname is 'Wong' was actually only stating another variant of my family's actual proper surname (Huáng).
Gosh, man, if you want to troll me, at least do so with some semblance of intelligence. Not by displaying an extreme lack of awareness of the fact that people don't decide how their own surnames are spelt, and moreover with the incorrect version of the surname.... LOL 😂
Here's the same idiot being more extremist than the Muslims Alvin hates
So Alvin has a history of berating Muslims as being extremist and hateful, which he attempts to prove through his dumb stunts insulting Islam to instigate Muslims, particularly Malays, to post hate speech comments and death threats against him and uses them as prove on how horrible the states of Malaysia is. My take on this is, yes, there are extremist Muslims, but there are plenty of very down-to-earth and wonderful Muslims who are good people. And by collectively insulting Islam, he insults all Muslims, further fueling the idea of 'them (non-Muslims)-vs-us (Muslims)' even if that feeling was not there before. And even worse, his moronic antics played into the hands of political parties in Malaysia that actually promote racial division for their own gain.
Yet for someone who claims to want speak out against such extremism and clamping down on freedom of speech, he chose to remain ignorant to the extremism displayed by some of his followers, such as EricDane9 who was not only spouting derogatory comments to me in an attempt to shut me up (didn't work, by the way), but also spouted derogatory comments about others. Admitedly, the rest of these tweets came when I decided to put the troll in his place and troll him right back.
So here are the many displays of hate/extremism showed by EricDane9 which Alvin Tan conveniently ignored (be warned that these are very offensive):
1) When the idiot made racist comments about Indians
FYI for those in other countries, the term 'pariah' is very derogatory for Malaysian Indians.
2) When he berated me nonstop with offensives names for debating with Alvin about his tweet (i.e. practising my freedom of speech)
Insults included but not limited to ass, dipshit, full of shit, twat (already shown in the screenshots above) and his all time favorite insult, made obvious below:
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Btw, this is just sample. If I posted it all, it would be a few pages long post in itself. Lol |
The one below was probably the worse one, but at least it was some refreshing diversity:
Oh, and then there was the insult about my parents. How lovely.
For the record, Alvin, if you're someone who claims to promote freedom of speech, but allow your disgusting fans to insult your critics into shutting up, you are not promoting freedom of speech and it just shows you can't handle any kind of debate or challenge to your opinions.
3) When the idiot showed his sick mind was full of nothing but sex, rape and incest
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His concern for my sex life is heartwarming, considering it's from someone who never experienced it, and why he can only live vicariously through Alvin's bad porn |
So I have to say thank you to @EricDane9, who while so many time rambled on about me exposing myself, instead helped me to expose just what an amazing hypocrite his beloved porky head, Alvin Tan is. While getting me free traffic to my blog too! Oh, the joy!
As a somewhat minor saving grace, once I pointed out that incest, insults and name calling is also a favorite activity of the very same Islamic terrorists/fanatics which Alvin Tan hates, that Eric Demented Dane off to delete ALL of his tweets to me. Perhaps because he actually realized how idiotic he sounded and came to his senses. Perhaps my comment about how his parents must have dumped him (that's how he doesn't know that people don't choose their own surnames!) was true and it hurt his feelings. Maybe Alvin told him off on another platform, and the retard was forced to retreat with his tail between his legs. Perhaps it is some lame attempt to make it sound like I'm a crazy person talking to myself on Twitter.
Whatever it is, I am feeling quite victorious that I successfully out-trolled the worst troll I've encountered in my online life into oblivion, without so much as a curse word too. And yes, all my tweets to him are still on my profile, unlike his, coz I'm not a coward like EricDane9, ashamed to expose his offensive behaviour to the world. However, if you are really curious, you can still see most of EricDane9's brainless tirade against me on the cached version of his Twitter page (just Google "EricDane9", click the dropdown menu on the twitter link and select 'Cached'). Hmm, you can't hide idiot behaviour on cached pages!
If you think people like @EricDane9 shouldn't be on Twitter, please take one minute to click on his profile and report him to Twitter for offensive behaviour. Thank you and let's make the internet troll free! 😊
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