It's been 3 weeks since I posted my boyfriend vacancy ad, and since the application deadline on Valentine's Day is over (happy belated V-Day to everyone, by the way), I have received a grand total of...

*drumroll please....*
ZERO applications!!!
Ah well, I supposed it's not much of a surprise, since my job requirements included "Must not be stupid, boring or annoying", which disqualifies at least 50% of the male population, the rest of which probably already taken, are too old for me or are my wonderful male friends who read my blog (just so you don't give me the look of death next time you see me 0:-) )
So now if you are a guy actually interested in me for God knows what reason, you have to go through the normal long and boring process of courting and sending hints that I may or may not interpret to mean anything, instead of the simplified job application method. Bleh. It get's old after a while.
Since we're on the topic, it might surprise most to learn that unlike the average female that dreamed about her perfect fairytale wedding since she was a young girl, I actually have never REALLY thought about what I want for my wedding. However, there are some thing I would really love to do for my wedding, if by some miracle I am able to con(vince) a guy to marry me, which are:
1) During the tedious pre-wedding photography sessions, in between dressing up in all those super traditional Chinese costumes and prancing around in some garden somewhere, I want the make-up lady to make up me and my hubby-to-be too look really old. As in like septuagenarian old. Complete with grey hair and thick glasses. Then we take a portrait photo looking like old foggies, and that will be the main photo in our living room as a daily reminder to both of us that THAT is the goal... to be together til' we're old foggies (unless we die first of course, but having a cremation urns with our faces on it as a wedding portrait isn't quite as romantic).
2) The song I want to be played during our wedding march down the aisle - "You" by Kutless. It's a Christian song, but it could pass as a mushy love song if played on regular radio, it's got great lyrics, and I love the fact that it's done by a band that normally does loud, headbanging type rocker songs. I did mention that my guy should appreciate rock music. :P
3) Option of either a funny wedding dance, although this is quite overdone, if you just search for "funny wedding dance" on Youtube!), OR... since I have friends who I play Rock Band with on a regular basis, they can be provide my wedding music, such as follows.
Yeah, no surprise why I'm still single. *yeurk!*
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