Recently I paid a visit Furry Friends Farm, an animal sanctuary for 500 dogs and cats in Kundang, Selangor. I had heard about this place for a long time but only decided to visit now as they recently were in a major predicament that needed urgent funding. I decided to try and help by creating awareness of their plight on my blog. But being someone who doesn't endorse anything I haven't experienced myself and also knowing how some self-proclaimed animal rescuers aren't all they claim to be, I had to check the place out for myself. The good news is that just a day before I visited, the folks running the place got good news that their predicament was pretty much resolved, which they told me when I did my visit. Since they haven't made an official announcement about it yet, I'm not going to steal their thunder by spilling the beans on my blog. However, they still need help in terms of regular funding as their running costs comes up to RM40,000 a month, and hence I'm helping that cause instead.
The residents of Furry Friends Farm (FFF) are primarily made up of 350 dogs and 150 cats that were strays, abandoned or injured, but they also have a goat named Rajoo who thinks he's a dog, FFF is a no-kill shelther, except for severely ill or injured animals where keeping them alive would only prolong their suffering. They also do not harm other animals that run in and out of the place, like the rats and lizards. The farm, which started up in October 2006 by the founder, Sabrina Yeap, is now run full-time by two lovely ladies, Georgie Gisborne (who was originally from England and now permanently here) and Myza Nordin, with the help of 4 workers and occasional volunteers. Legend has it that Sabrina single-handedly ran the entire farm until she passed on in July 2012. The design of the farm was her idea and truly was a special design, as the farm is really unlike most shelters where they keep their animals in cramped cages. Here, all animals are kept in several wide spaced enclosures, usually in packs except for those few that prefer to stay by themselves, and even so they still have ample space to run around and play with each other.
When I arrived, I was welcomed by a single friendly brown and white dog just outside the entrance of the farm, which I thought was a stray that just happened to be there. After I met Georgie and Myza, they told me the dog was one of theirs and they let him run around outside as he didn't like being inside. As I sat down to chat with them and a couple of other dogs there to keep us company, a rat or two scurried by, a testament to their policy that they do not harm any animals there.
The tour around the farm started with the doggy 'hospital' room where they have about 20 dogs that are disabled or were injured and have been treated.
A dog with disabled hind legs |
A doggy missing his front left leg which was amputated. Oh what a big mouth you have! |
Another disabled but happy furkid |
A resident of the hospital room that has conquered the table |
Next was a visit to the dog enclosures, of which I'm guessing there were at about 7 or 8 enclosures separated by fencing, each with a pack of dogs well socialized with each other.
Big area for many doggies |
One fella resting in the drain. Because he can! |
"Look at all that space behind me! WOooHOooOOo!" |
"Visitor! Do you have treeaaats?" |
This doggy got his own special wooden hut as his home. |
The dog enclosures are all connected to a big garden where at certains times, each pack gets a chance to run around in the garden before heading back and letting the other packs have their turn to run.
Spot the doggies running around the big ol' garden |
Lots and lots of greenery for them to pee on :P |
As impressive as the whole set up is, the place is almost 10 years old now, so parts of the roof are leaking when it rains and the structure is generally starting to fall apart. They really need funds to get it back in good order and keep the dogs happy, coz wet and cold dogs aren't happy dogs!
Part of the old roofing that needs to be replaced |
If you think the dog enclosures are a fantastic place for the dogs, you would even be more amazed with the cat enclosures, which is like a big playground/gym for the cats. There are shelves all along the walls, coffee tables, hanging structures, bookcases, and basically a lot of knick knacks for cats to climb on, curl into, scratch on and basically enjoy doing what cats do...go all over the place and snooze.
Welcome to the cat gym! |
"What up?" |
Putting her best foot forward |
Shelves make great snooze spots |
So do shoe stands! |
The indoor cat enclosures are even connected to the outdoor enclosures by cat tunnels which they can walk through. There are also separate enclosures for healthy cats and those that were diagnosed with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), the kitty version of HIV.
The light at the end of tunnel being blocked by.... kitty butt |
Here's a couple more pics of the happy looking, somewhat lazy and occasionally demanding cats.
"What we gonna do today, guys?"
"Sounds like a plan" |
"I want my catnip!" says orange middle cat |
Wait, didn't I mention there was a goat? Oh yes, here's Rajoo the goat who thinks he's a dog. He was rescued while on the way to a slaughterhouse by the late Sabrina when he was a kid (literally) and now has grown to a happy roly-poly sized goat. He apparently likes to eat dog food (which is really bad for his health so Georgie and Myza don't let him) and his 'wife' is a dog and they both adore each other.
"Beh-ehh! Beh-eh-eh! I mean, woof woof! I mean, woooo, beh-behhhh!" |
"That's wifey at the back. Let her know I've been good so I can get a doggy treat. Please?" |
How you can help?
1) Sponsor a Furkid/ Make a Donation
If you like what you see going on at Furry Friends Farm and you're like many folks who would love to give a furry friend a loving home but have difficulties doing so because of time, lack of space, etc, help by sponsoring a furkid for only RM120 a month! Every dog and cat here has a story and name. You are welcome to pay a visit and choose a furkid or two to sponsor. You can also of course make one-off donations to assist with shelther repairs, medications and treatment of sick or injured animals, supplies, etc.
Donation Details:
Account name: Furry Friends Farm Society registration no: PPM-027-10-14082012 (14Aug12) Email:
Donations can be made via:
1) Cash deposit/transfer/intergiro to PUBLIC BANK BERHAD: 3178842626
2) Paypal account: Transaction fees (charged to FFF): 3.4% + RM2 per donation/transaction
3) Cheques payable to: Furry Friends Farm Foreign cheques bank commission (charged to FFF): 0.1% (min Rm20, max Rm100)
Kindly notify Furry Friends Farm via email ( once you've made your donation.
2) Adopt a furkid
Adopters are also welcome, but be warned that Georgie and Myza will only give away furkids to people who they are convinced will be good and loving adopters. That means no nonsense like keeping pets in cages most of the time. Dogs needs plenty of space to run, and cats needs space to climb around!
3) Volunteer
Taking care of 500 animals isn't a easy feat, so any extra hands are welcome.
If you're interested to adopt or volunteer, please contact Myza (016 371 7692) or Georgie (016 379 3478). Please contact them and make an appointment prior to making any visits.
For more info on Furry Friends farm and updates on their latest fund-raising activities, visit
their website or
Facebook page.

Furry Friends Farm: The happiest place on earth for 500 furkids