past one month has been a busy busy busy month of animal rescues by
team M&M (mum and me). Some were just mum, some were me and some
were a join effort, but just in case you were wondering, we don't
really do this animal rescue thing on a regular basis. I'm perfectly
happy not going around looking for animals to rescue, but I usually just
help out when I find an animal in need and if necessary, try to get it
adopted. It just so happens about a month ago, as explained in my
previous post, my mum decided puppy rescuing was going to become her new
favourite hobby, and I've suffered a few sleepless nights taking care
of noisy puppies because of that. Not that I'm complaining (much), I
love them mutties too. :)
Here a run down of the furkids my mum and I have rescued or helped out this past month, and some are looking to be rehomed. So if you're looking a furkid to adopt, hope you'll consider these and if so, please do send me an email at and I will reply to you a.s.a.p!
1) Laila Belle, Tracie and Scotch (1st vaccination only, 2 for adoption)
Scotch: Someone get my sister off my butt...
puppies were born at a factory area near where my mum's friend's
office, and seeing that they were getting older and at risk of being
take away by the local council, my mum and her friend decided to try and
rescue the puppies. Two got adopted the same day they did the rescue,
by another guy who works nearby, so my mum took home the remaining three.
Which was a very fortunate thing coz' apparently the day right after
that, her friend saw the local council people come to the exact location
where the puppies used to hide, which was under an old unused car, and
saw they drag the car away with a tow truck in a bid to find the
puppies. Apparently her own boss has reported the puppies there to the
local council, and if they had been caught, it almost certainly would
have been a death sentence for the puppies knowing how the councils
treat them here. And the way they dragged the car out, the puppies would probably have been injured or killed if they had still been under there.
Far as I'm concerned, anyone who calls the local councils to catch dogs in Malaysia are either heartless scums of the earth or ignorant buffoons who have no idea what suffering dogs undergo at the hands of dog catchers engaged by local councils. Just watch
this video to get an idea. The proper way to reduce strays is by educating people to spay their pets and the
TRNM (Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage) method, or a nicer term is
CNRM (Care-Neuter-Release-Manage), which I have used for one of my stray furry friends as well as will explain more in a bit.
Anyway, my mum was keeping them in the spare washroom of her condo for a while, and eventually decided to keep one of them, which was the most active one who loves licking people. By 'love', I mean she runs at you and launches herself at your face to try and clean your face off with her tongue. My mum decided to name her Belle, but I prefer to call her Laila, coz' in Chinese, 'lai' can be translated to 'come' or 'lick' which works both ways for her. So now her name is Laila Belle, and she's the pooch at the rear end of the room in the photo above.
The other two are now fostered by my mum's friend, and are up for adoption. Their foster names are Tracie and Scotch. Tracie is female, smaller, less active and little shy compared to her siblings. And she does not try to launch at you with frenzy licks. Which I think is a good thing, coz' I don't really appreciate hyperactive puppies.
Ooh, camera in my face!
Scotch, on the other hand, is a male and pretty active as well. According to the foster mum, he likes to bark at 5am in the morning. And he's also super friendly.
Scotchy boy doing his manly male pose
2) Silky and Satin (Adopted! :D)
Look into our sad little puppy eyes and go "Awwww", please!
My mum was informed about two puppies rummaging around the backlane of some resturants located in USJ1, went there and found they were in good looking condition and probably were dumped quite recently by an irresponsible dog owner (who, by the way, are also scums of the earth). So the next day, team M&M (mum and me, in case you didn't catch it the first time), conducted our rescue operation for the puppies, and I kept them for about a week. I named them Silky and Satin coz' their fur was so silky and smooth, they with have made a great shampoo ambassador.
In the first couple of days, they were scared and pooping and puking all sorts of nonsense, thanks to all the rubbish they were eating in the backlane, but after a few days of proper dog food, they got healthy, played with my dog and started trying to take over my home. Sometimes at night they would get whiney because they didn't like being alone at the back room of my house, and I wouldn't allow them in the house coz' I didn't want them pooping or peeing everywhere. So I had to assign my dog to the back for babysitting duty, and then they would keep quiet. But my dog didn't seem too happy about being stuck at the back room instead of being able to enjoy his couch.
These two furkids have been adopted into two different families. I would have loved for them to be together, but I think they'll be happy.
3) Cookies (stray female, spayed and can be adopted)
Ear scratchies are naaaiiiise...
I just made up the name for this friendly female near my office which my
German boss and I feed regularly. She was initially quite scared of
people but after regular feeding, she became less afraid and now enjoys
my ear scratches. She's so cute, everytime she sees me, she'll run to me
then once nearby, she bows her head low like a servant, waiting to be
petted. She has several doggy friends in the area who still don't dare
let me touch them even though I feed them too. Most of the older dogs in
the area are also quite mangy. So for the most part I'm ok to leave her
there, the only reason I'd like her adopted is that I'm worried about
her getting caught or catching mange from the other dogs.
Cookies is still healthy and I took her to a vet to be spayed, and she was relocated back to my office area and still looking happy and healthy. This is actually the CNRM method I mentioned earlier, to help reduce the stray population in the area by getting the dogs spayed. This is why I would advocate anyone who knows a friendly stray near your area to try and get them spayed too, so you have less strays animals that may be caught and made to suffer at the hands of the evil local council dog catchers (did I mention they are also heartless scums of the earth?).
4) Poopy le pooch (1st vaccination, for adoption)
I already dedicated a whole post to Poopy
here, and in the past couple of weeks, the little bugger has grown quite a bit and has become one of those cute hyperactive puppies that most people seem to like so much. He's still recovering from his mange and is probably one of the ugliest puppies in Malaysia, but his activeness and adorable behaviour make up for it in so many ways.
Here's how the little le pooch looks like now:
How can one not love that face?
Still, I consider it unlikely that anyone would want to adopt the fugliest mangy puppy in Malaysia, but I'm keeping my hopes up that someone has that big a heart for this little poochy pooch (and his poo doesn't stink anymore, just so you know!). :P
5) Buffy (Can be adopted)
I got the face of a Rottweiler, but deep down, I'm just like a wee lil' puppykins. :)
Just to avoid confusion, Buffy is a MALE, but I thought it was an appropriate name, since he's big and buffy and looks fierce, but is actually really friendly. He's another stray dog near my office whom I don't see often, but everytime I do, he's got plenty of love to share. He is usually friendly with other dogs, but aggressive when it comes to food. Which is how I guess he got this nasty little neck wound a couple of weeks back.
I was so alarmed when I saw it, I wanted to take him to the vet right away, but only could wait til the next day coz' the vet was closing. Before it was cleaned up, it was so full of pus, and the doctor said flies could have laid eggs there and it would have become badly infected then.
Lucky for him, I helped him out and after a few days boarding at the vet and whining like a baby everytime I visited coz' he wanted to be let out, he's now back in my office area.
He's also the only dog I've even brought in my car that was completely not scared at being driven around. On the other hand, he was so excited, he climbed from the back seat into the front seat, which was the driver's seat and insisted on sitting on my lap and even standing on me to look out the window. And he's big and strong enough that I was unable to stop him, so I'm glad I didn't get into the accident the couple of times I had to drive him around. But like I said, he's a super friendly fellow, even the people at the vet fell in love with him and he gave no trouble at all with the doctor. :-)
6) Kitty with the Einstein hair (In kitty heaven... :( )
Not going near a Van der Graaf generator ever again!
I don't discriminate when it comes to animals, I like helping kitties
too. So when I found a motherless kitty at the field near my place
while walking my dog, looking like it has a bad hair day and meowing
away, I couldn't really leave it there to potentially become roadkill.
I took it back and after trying to feed to it with dog food (it was all
I had, ok!), I decided to try and give it to my Malay neighbour across
the street who owns many cats, and see if they could help foster it
while I looked for an adopter. As it turns out, they were happy to adopt
it themselves, apparently coz' they like cats with nice coloured coats and even try to breed them (though I wish they wouldn't since there are enough stray cats available for adoption as it is).
Unfortunately, the next day, they informed me that little frizzy haired kitty died, possibly due to virus infection. It was quite sudden since the night before she was quite healthy and happily running around.
Oh well, I tried. RIP, little kitty cat. :(
7) Abandoned Angel (Adopted... by ME)
Lookin' good!
Well, of course I'd save the best for last, and the best was this
pretty white female who was abandoned by her owner and was so scared
initially when I found her, she was growling and wary of everyone who
came near her. Fortunately I've had enough experience with dogs to know
that a growling dog is not necessarily an aggressive one, and it's turns
out she was such a sweetie and we both fell in love with each other so
much that now I've decided to keep her.
And the story of the abandoned Angel, I will save for my next post!

9 pooches and a kitty cat