For those who didn't know, my little condo is practically a mini petting zoo. Animals my family has or have had in my condo include:
1) A psychotic shih tzu. It's one mean little mutt that growls or tries to bite whenever anyone tries to pick it up/ touch her butt/ touch her paws/take her snack away. But she loves it when I scratch her neck and belly, so she's still somewhat normal.
2) An asian box turtle. I found it wandering on the roadside near my home one day and decided to keep it (although at first I wanted to sell it :P). Its daily routine consists of me taking it out and putting it in a tub of water to drink, eat and poop. After which is crawls into a box and can stay in there hours til I take it out for drinking/feeding/pooping time again. I named it Melon coz' it looks like half a melon.
3) A family of gerbils (african rats). Kept these guys for almost 6 years now, had a whole big family of them at one point (over 12 of them) and I had a name for each of them. Then separated the males and female until slowly one by one died and now I have only one female left so I'm wondering whether to let her breed again and drive my mum crazy (she doesn't likes gerbils) or wait until my last gerbil dies a lonely and miserable death.
4) Some birds. The number of birds changes frequently. Initially we had a dove, coz' apparently my dad went to a friend's wedding where they released 2 doves, and one proceeded to land on his head. Or something like that. Anyway, he took it home and fed it til it was stronger, but it was nice quiet dove that would happily on my hand. But eventually his friend asked to release it coz' it's a bad omen for the marriage to keep the dove caged up. So then my dad had a birdcage with no bird, so he bought a two budgerigers. Then one went missing (escaped the cage), so he replaced it. Then that one died, so he replaced it again. And got a couple more. Then he let go of two coz' my mum was apparently complaining that they were too chirpy. So currently the number stand at two. For now.
5) Some goldfish. These belong to my dad. I don't particularly care for them, although the funny thing is one of the buggers coz' its fins damaged and now it can only wobble around at the bottom of the aquarium and we have to help it feed or else it'll starve to death. It's been like that for a few months now, so we've been doing a good job of keeping the disabled goldfish alive.
So every now and then I take photos of the petting zoo. And every now and then I get a few funny ones. So I've been wanting to do this for a while and finally got round to it.
You've heard of lolcat. You may have heard of loldawg. I now introduce to you.... lolturtle, lolgerbil and lolbird. I pass on lolgoldfish though.
(Photos are in no particular order other than what I consider to be progressively most lamest to what I hope is somewhat reasonably funny)